30 - Stab's Mini Adventure!

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Torn between numbness and feeling as if she had been hit by a truck over and over again, Zessica’s eyes open to find herself surrounded by dark, murky shapes. The metallic taste of iron fills in her mouth, which usually happened when she exerted her body too much and past its endurance limit. It was not much of a big deal to her but others might not agree. She was tired, oh so very tired. More than anything, she wanted to just lay there and let sleep overtake her and never wake up again. That was just how gloomy her mood was. Zessica wondered whether she was also shivering, something shakes, something was cold, but she couldn’t tell what.

Cold and warm. Heavy and light. Nothing made sense anymore...absolutely nothing....

“-------!” Something inaudible pierced through the darkness which clouded her vision. It was a blurry noise, as if she was still submerged underwater, drowning. The noise seemed so far away, yet at the same time, so close too. Maybe her ears were playing tricks against her, maybe she was having auditory hallucinations, and maybe; this was all just a never ending dream.

“---sss!” The voice was somewhat clearer than before, but still heavily muffled. However, there was something about noise, something familiar, something warm that made her feel light even though she felt something heavy pulling her down, deep within her consciousness. Why did it felt like she had known this noise all of her life?

“---ss!” Wait...she knew that sound. She would know it anywhere, no matter how far she hears it from.

“Isis!” Zessica felt herself shake harder, as if someone was rocking her shoulders back and forth, someone who was desperate to clear the fog that was overlapping her vision. Just when the fog started dispersing, making her vision go clearer, another dark mist settled in, blocking all the lights, mocking her maliciously.

“No! Don’t go back to sleep!” That voice cried. “Isis! Keep your eyes open damn it! Stay awake, Isis, Stay awake!”

Isis? That was her name. How in the world had this person known of her real identity? No one knew of her real name, no one except her brothers and cousin, no one except Ophelia. Even Ophelia, as crazy and insane she had become; Zessica knew that she was fully sane enough to not spill her identity. So there should be no one else who knew...no one except...


Mother Hen!

Recognising that pet name, that voice, Zessica’s attention turned to the figure in question. The force that was surrounding her like a whirling tornado ceased to exist and dimmed down to a peaceful atmosphere. Even though she still couldn’t see without dark patches in her vision, she could tell this person was right before her, shaking her back to reality. Was she dreaming yet again? Or was this as real as the warm hands radiated through her skin?

Blinking the obstruction of her vision away rapidly, Zessica slowly took in the figure only to be instantaneously left breathless by the radiant gleam in a pair of the loveliest gray eyes brimming with tears. Those tears, they were for her, tears she didn’t deserve, for all that she trouble she had put him through. Why was it that no matter how much of a blunder, a burden she was, this young man here always overlooked her imperfections? Why was it that no matter what, this guy had accepted all her curves and all her edges? What was about her that made her worth his time? However, for now, she didn’t care because like he had said he would, he was here, right beside her, here for her when she need him the most and that is more than what she could ever ask for.

“Arma...Sawyer...you are here....” Zessica spoke, her voice weak and unstable, barely holding together. Tears began to fall from Zessica’s eyes, spilling down to her cheeks in stinging and hot streaks. It’s embarrassing as it was painful, she couldn’t hold it in any longer. She could not pretend that she was stronger than she was while this illness and her vulnerable insecurities claimed every piece of her, stealing more than she could afford to lose. She could not put up her strong front anymore, she couldn’t hide anymore. Arma’s own grey eyes soften in relief and sympathy and he pulled her into his warm, inviting arms, almost stopping her heart as she was partially lifted from the cracked ground.

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