My dear comrade

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It's been awhile since I was aware of these feelings I had for one of my comrades. I'll also give you a hint, the fuck it's definitely not Sakura Haruno.

It's Naruto Uzumaki. I only realized how I felt since last year, Xmas. So make that 2 and a half years. That only reason why I haven't confessed yet is because of the lunatic with pink hair. I really hope she doesn't become a chunin with me. To be honest she freaky.. luckily today we had a mission and we would be split..

KAKASHI'S POV (probably won't happen again anytime soon)

I woke up to the sound of an alarm clock that had went of 2 hours ago.
I spent yesterday all night reading until 3:00 am. Oh no, that's not all. (I'm not that boring) Embarrassing but you already knew or something like this would happen. Before I read my book I spent 2-3 hours talking to Iruka (well flirting but anyways) THE WHOLE POINT IS THAT I WAS 4 HOURS LATE.

I'm pretty sure I would melt in this hot sun. It was four hours since got here! Also to add on, SASUKE WAS IGNORING ME! How dare he! Also it was so annoying how Sasuke paid more attention to Naruto more than me! Arghhh..


"Ugh.." I said. It was so hot today and Kakashi was so late. I scanned the area we were in. Sakura was fanning her self and Sasuke was in a near by lake putting in feet in the water. I went over to a tree and sat down.

15 more minutes.

I was about to take a nap when a cloud of smoke appeared and Kakashi was brought along. Suddenly Sasuke slaps life out of Kakashi. "What was that for?" Kakashi said. "Your late!" Me and Sakura shouted. I looked over at Sasuke and he look annoyed as usual. "Do we have to do a mission today" Sasuke said desperately. "Unfortunately for you, it's just casual training. Today we are sparring. Sasuke and Naruto, Me and Sakura." Kakashi said. (I'm not really sure about how sparring goes)

"Sasuke and Naruto first." Kakashi said while I jumped up. I looked over at Sasuke but I realized he was starring. I kinda blushed because I was a little surprised. "Dobe prepare to fail." Sasuke said. "Teme shut up I'm obviously gonna win." I said back at him.

Authors Note: Okay this took awhile to make cause I was kinda fresh outta ideas but also if your looking for smut, more yaoi, etc, later on it will be some of that kinky shit ;) hope you enjoyed. (Sorry if to short)

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