Pain and apologies

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I had woken up after a nice sleep. I sat up smacking my lips.

"So you slobber, eh.." I was surprised and saw Sasuke look at me.
"It's an natural thing!" "Whatever" Sasuke rolled his eyes.
"Don't whatever me!"
"I just did dobe."
"Shut up Sasuke!"
"Angry are we Naruto?"

That's it.

"Sasuke why are you always rude to me?" I questioned. Sasuke is the one starting fights all the time! It is so tiring.

"Me? Your the one thinking I am trying to be rude." "What?! You are the one always being an Jackass and picking on me! A conversation for us is basically a arguement or a fight! That's how rude you are." I shot back.


I was hurt after he said that. Does Naruto actually think I tried to hurt his feelings. I just felt rage and I needed to handle it.

"Hn.. Im going."

"You always run away from your problems teme."

Once again I got hurt again, but I love Naruto.

I want him.

I need him.

As soon I was going to exit the tent Sakura was in front of my face.

"Oh Sasuke kun ~ breakfast is ready!"
"Im skipping also tell Naruto too."
"Going now.."
All i heard in the distance was "Sasuke wait!"

Time skip

I had went near a lake and here I am smacking the shit out of a tree. Well the fourth tree..
I don't know anymore..
Naruto is right.. I do run away from my problems. I love Naruto but i don't have the guts to tell him.
I don't know why I am in love with Naruto sometimes... I really don't know.

Time skip ; after everyone is about to part ways

"Alright guys we will have a mission soon. It's just that you guys needed a little more training for this mission. It is an S rank mission." Kakashi informed me and my teammates. "Guys be prepared, so cya!"

I looked over at Naruto and studied his face. He looked annoyed.

Wow. I did that..

I must fix him!

Before Sakura had the chance to say any bull to me I ran up to Naruto.

I tapped his shoulder. "Huh-" I needed to tell him in private so i grabbed his wrists and took him to somewhere secret in the woods. Making sure I checked for a presence. Well i sped off quickly so Sakura won't find me and Naruto any time soon.

"W-what was t-that all about." Naruto said while panting.

"Naruto I need to say sorry.."


A Uchiha apology? What nonsense is this?!

"You apol-"

I was cut off with a finger to my mouth.
He just shushed me! "Naruto I need you to listen."

"I know I can be rude at times but I don't mean it."

"You see, it was hard to open back up again when Itachi had killed my clan. I didn't think I could trust anybody and I've changed ever since. I looked up to Itachi and he was my idol. I was also a bit envious of him always grabbing my fathers attention and have accomplished things i couldn't even do at my age. So I am truly sorry."

I was shocked.

Sasuke was opening up to me..

*heart beat*

My heart...

It's beating with..



It felt like forever with the silence but I decided to forgive him.

I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Sasuke, not only am I happy about you finally opening up to me but I am also am so sorry for being rude to you for many years in the pass. You also have my empathy."
"You are my bestfriend"
Sasuke had squeezed me tight and i hugged him back.

SASUKE'S POV (sorry again lol)

I was happy to hear that. Maybe I should buils my friendship with Naruto a little more before I finally confess. I just hopes it won't damage my friendship.

The hug was passionate and full of warmth.

My heart was beating really fast. I just hope he won't feel it. For now....

Author's note (read please)

Hey guys! So at this moment I am using someone else's phone to write this story! I needed to update and when i get my phone fixed I will try to update more. Also thank you for the reads so far! I know 300+ isn't a lot and people barely read this but whoever does thank you! I was in the mood for feelings so you know 😊 im happy!

Besides that im going to end this chapter right here! I hope this wasn't to short. I didn't wanna hog the phone so yeah. Cyaaa.

I own himOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz