I love you Satori!

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I see Satori outside, he stood still but smiled.

"Satori we weren't just!"
"Eehe! It's alright! I just came to say hello,"
"I uhm Nice to see you Satori," Yuri stutters "I'm sorry, I was just about to make my leave,"
"Aw really, well we'll see you at the festival!" Yuki wanders off leaving me and Satori alone
Satori beams.
"Satori, I thought you said you weren't coming over today?"
"Aha well, I got bored in my room and I thought to come and see you and how much fun you were having with Yuki!" Satori's face goes red "It makes me really happy!"
Tears start flowing from his face "That's all what matters, you're making really good friends!"
I look at Satori shaking my head,
"Why do I feel as like my hearts splitting in half, I should be happy!" Satori coughs "THIS WILL ALL BE BETTER IF I JUST DISSAPEARED!"
"SATORI! Shut up don't say stuff like that!"
"But it's the truth. You waste so much effort on me!"
"Satori, what I said before is the truth I am going to stay by your side until you feel better even if it takes an eternity!"
"Help me Y/N,"
"I'm scared,"
"Of what?"
"Of me liking you more then you like me,"
"Satori, I."
"That's the truth, isn't it?"
"I don't know what to say,"
"UGH I did this to myself! I am weak and let my feelings grow! The truth is Y/N,"
"Satori." I hold his hand in mine looking up at him "I told you that I always know what's best for you. Do you believe me?" Satori nods and takes my shoulders "Even though you don't understand, I know what you need the most right now and that's what I'm going to give you."


"I love you..."
"I knew they're was something, I could feel it but I should've realised it sooner. Making friends with the guys made me realise that you are the most important. Ever!"

Satori runs into me and we hold each other close in a hug, I hear his quiet sobs in my ear but that makes me cling on tighter.
"Is this alright?"
"Of course!"
"I love you Y/N,"
"I love you to."
"Why won't the sadness go away then," His grip weakens 
"It might take a while but know that I'll be here every step of the way,"
"Okay, I trust you."

We release each other and smile
"The festival tomorrow, it's our first date. Make sure you treat this women right!" Satori chuckles "I don't want anything to change though." I nod
"Me too  I guess,"
We share one more hug and go to our separate houses.

Today's the day of the festival, I'm buzzing for my date with Satori! But he isn't answering his phone so I think he's already at school. 
Moniko greets me "Oh Y/N your the first one here!"
"Yeah I would've thought that Yuki would be here first though,"
"Y'know I'm surprised you didn't bring Satori with you,"
"Oh I thought he would be here, eh maybe he's overslept again." Saying that made me feel so guilty after what happened yesterday, I should've woken him up.
"Yeah you sure left him 'Hanging'  after your little exchange!"
The word hanging sent a shiver down my spine "Exchange?"
"I know more then you think!" His green eyes shined "Anyway do you want to see the pamphlets?" I nod and look at the piece of paper 
"Yeah people will take the club way more seriously with these!"
"I thought so too!" 
I flip through the pages reading every poem but Satori's was different the one we practised. It read:

Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of

Get out of my head before I do what I know is best for you.
Get out of my head before I listen to everything she said to me.
Get out of my head before I show you how much I love you.
Get out of my head before I finish writing this poem.

But a poem is never actually finished.
It just stops moving.

I stood shocked that he would write something like this I feel like I was about to be sick
"I've changed my mind! I'll be back with Satori!"
"Okay don't take to long!"

I run as fast as I could back to his house knocking on the front door and entering urgently. He wasn't downstairs. What was I thinking leaving him by himself I need to try harder! The simplest gesture would make her feel better!

I walk up to his bedroom door and call his name,


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