Long Time No See

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It was a dream, he decided. Subaru was only dreaming. He didn't remember sleeping, or very much of anything before he arrived at Wonderland, but it was a dream for sure whether he remembered sleeping or not! And since it was a dream, he should have fun.

"So how do I look?" Subaru asked as he modeled strange clothes with a Wonderland style to it.

"Scary," said Alice "It's just like him,"

"Perfect!" Subaru said with a smile "So what does he act like?"

"Um ... it's hard to say," she said "He's just ... him. He's - was, kind of silly, he could make anyone smile, and all in all very ... "

"Mad?" Subaru guessed

"Actually, he was quite mild," Alice said with a sad smile "But I guess you just need to know, he was crazy, he loved tea, he loved hats, and he was ... him,"

"Okay got it!" he said "So what do we do now? Where's Elza?"

"Emerald City," Alice answered "But it will be easier if we just summoned her,"

"And how do we do that?" Subaru asked

"Outside, come on," Alice put on a heavy coat and handed Subaru one too. They walked outside and were greeted with a gale of icy cold wind.

"Whoa! And I thought Inside was cold!" Subaru shivered

"It's m-m-much worse outside," said Alice

"Y-y-y-you're t-t-telling m-m-me!" said a voice. The two turned to see a girl with a pink coat and pink hair. She held a small bag in her hands. "You don't have to deliver letters to all of Contefee! When you start doing it long enough you start seeing things! I thought I saw twelve moons in the sky last night, not two. And now, I think I see the Mad Hatter! I'm going crazy!"

"Hello Madoka," said Alice "And don't worry, you're not crazy,"

"About the moons?"

"About the hatter ... (he's here)"

Madoka turned green. "You rose the dead?" she asked

"No. Now what mail do you have?" Alice asked

Madoka starred at Subaru for a long time before blinking then handing a letter to Alice. "I delivered that letter to Elza, she said she's coming over ... now,"

"Then what does the letter say?" Subaru asked

"Beats me, I'm not allowed to read mail. I just know who it's from," said Madoka "Bye!" In the split second they looked away, Madoka vanished. Alice opened the letter.

"What does it say?" Subaru asked

"'Look up.'" Alice read, on command, the two looked above them. A dark evil looking figure with pitch-black wings was hovering above them, glaring. "Elza,"

Elza floated down to the ground and another gust of snowy wind blew past them. Elza didn't move, she just glared at Subaru. "You don't seem surprised to see me," she said

"I ... Am I suppose to?" Subaru asked

Elza glared at him longer then finally blinked, breaking the tension. "So what's with the disappearing act? Did you two get hitched, and without telling me?" Elza guessed mockingly.

Alice stopped herself from getting choked up, giving them away. "No," she said "It ... it ... it was the Snow Queen. Her storm ... kept him from coming," Technically, that was the truth.

Elza turned back to Subaru. "Is this true?" she asked

"Y-yes," Subaru nodded "That's the truth,"

More starring, Subaru felt incredibly uncomfortable. "Who are you?" she asked

"I'm ... The Mad Hatter, your son," Subaru answered "D-don't you recognize me?"

Elza's glare turned into a scowl, for a moment it looked like she was frozen like that. Then finally, her expression softened. "Of course I do," she said

Subaru and Alice could relax, she bought it. "That is really great, because we really need your help with something," said Subaru

"And what's that?" Elza asked

"Um we need you to ... find someone," Subaru forgot, what was the name of the red hot girl? Jancie? Jewlie?

"Who?" Elza asked

"Uh ... um ..."

"Juri!" Alice interrupted "What curse did you put her under?"

"Oh come now Alice, you know all the curses wore off once I was imprisoned in stone,"

"Then where is Juri?"

"Is this why you wanted me here?" Elza asked "To help find your old friend,"

"We weren't friends," said Alice "I never even knew her! But we need her help, only she is hot enough to melt Lillie's ice. And we need to stop her, this storm is becoming life threatening!"

"Please, Mom, we need your help," said Subaru

There was yet another long pause before Elza finally nodded! "Alright," she said "I'll help you. But we'll need more help then just myself,"

"Why?" Subaru asked

"The curse I put on Juri was a wondering spell," Elza explained "For years that poor sap has been wondering around Contefee aimlessly without knowing where she was going. By the time the curse broke she had no idea where she was,"

"And neither do we," Alice cursed under her breath

"Don't you have a spell that can find her?" Subaru asked "You're magic, just ... do another spell,"

"I would, but I won't,"

"What?! Why -" Alice started

"We're finding her the old fashioned way," said Elza "I know someone who can help, she's a dirty cheater and a liar but she knows a bit of everything, including where to find Juri. Either she has seen her or she knows someone who has seen Juri, but either way, she'll have the answers,"

"Where do we find her?" Subaru asked

"The Rabbit Hole,"

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