Fire & Ice

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Subaru felt like something was crawling up his back. Something was, ice. He was turning into ice, like everyone else. He was going to die.

A tiny voice inside of him seemed to be screaming "DON'T GIVE UP! I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!!" But it was almost silent over the howling of the snow.

I know I shouldn't give up  he thought But I can't even move


Juri fired a ball of flaming hot heat at Lillie. She dodged it effortlessly, Juri got another ball ready. Lillie protected herself with a shield of ice that turned to steam once the ball of fire hit it, but she was still safe. Juri kept firing and firing, Lillie put up shield after shield. Elza, Maria, and Yume tried helping by throwing plates, ice cold food, or other things they could grab at Lillie, but Lillie just surrounded her self with more shields.

As for Alice, she had managed to escape and go down the hall Lillie had emerged from. She ran down as fast as she cold, tripping and slipping and falling and getting back up again crying "Subaru! Subaru! SUBARU!"

Finally, Alice reached the end of the hall and she kicked the doors open. a gust of wind blew her off her feet, but she got back up again. She saw Subaru. 

"Subaru!" Alice ran over to him, she looked into his dazed confused eyes. "Oh Subaru. Subaru you have to listen! It's me! Alice! Remember?" More ice crept up his arms, legs, and back "Subaru! You need to snap out of it! Do you want to be an ice statue forever?" Still no answer, still more ice "Subaru! We need help! Lillie is playing the defensive, Juri is trying to land an attack but nothing is working! We need your help!" Subaru still didn't move, the wind howled louder. Alice's eyes actually filled up tears "Please don't die. I don't care what dimension you're from ... I can't lose you again,"

Alice looked down at the icy ground and cried, her tears turning to ice as they hit the ground. Then suddenly she felt a hand touch her hand, she looked up. Subaru was smiling sadly at her. Alice smiled back.

Then Subaru's smile vanished "Juri and Lillie are in a battle?" he asked

"Yes! We need your help!"

"Right, we need to stop her!" said Subaru

"Right, Lillie will not prevail!" said Alice

"Not Lillie, Juri! She needs to be stopped!"


The battle raged on, Lillie had froze Elza Forte, Maria Red, and Yume White to the ground with her ice. But Elza had a trick up her sleeve, literally. She took out her firework, she pointed it at Lillie as she was blocking off another attack from Juri. Elza squeezed it between her fingers and the flame shot up and hit the ceiling. It began to break and fall. Juri saw this and fired her flames above her friends to protect them. Lillie stopped fighting and looked up. She gasped and tried to start a shield in time but all she could do was fire it away, the mistake interfered with her head and she collapsed as the icy ceiling fell only a few feet away from her.

"Time to finish this," Juri lit her heads and fried at Lillie


The move was blocked ... by Subaru. He was forced back and hit the wall.

"Subaru!" Everyone cried

Juri quickly freed her friends and they ran over to him. "Why would you do that?!" Yume asked, tears in her eyes from worry

"Lillie ... isn't ... that bad guy," said Subaru

Maria looked at his wounds, he was seriously burned in the stomach. "Oh Subaru!" she exclaimed

"Why in the world would you do that?!!" Elza asked angrily. And everyone was shocked to see, she was crying. Or at least, trying not to.

"Lillie isn't ... the bad guy," Subaru said as he tried to stand up

"Don't get up!" said Alice "It will only make the pain worse,"

"I ... have to ... get up," Subaru tried to stand up, his legs shaking "Oh,"

"Please stop," said Yume "Please stop. I ... I don't want to see you get hurt,"

Subaru smiled at her "You really ... have no idea how much that means ... for me," he said, trying to suck in the pain "But I ..." Subaru collapsed back onto the ground.

"You saved my life," All eyes turned to the stunned woman behind them "Why would you do that?"

"You said so ... yourself," said Subaru "You're not the bad guy,"

"And how do you know that?" Elza asked "Because of the way she acts? The way she spoke to you?"


"Subaru, it's all a trick!" Juri said scornfully "It means nothing,"

"It does mean something! AH!" Subaru clutched his stomach but when he touched it it hurt.

"Here," Lillie held her hand up to Subaru then had it suddenly pulled away by Yume.

"Don't hurt him!" she said, then retracted her hand as she got ice burn.

"Yume, are you okay?" Maria asked

"I'm fine,"

"Will not hurt him," Lillie assured them "Please, trust me,"

Yume frowned and looked at the ground as Lillie held her hand up to Subaru's burning stomach. and icy aura illuminated from her hands onto Subaru. He began to feel better. "Thanks," he said

"What you need are bandages," said Elza

Lillie ignored this comment and broke into a speech. "You saved my life," she said to Subaru "For that I owe you my life as well. But I must know, why did you save me?"

"You're hurting," he said "Not the kind of hurting I'm in right now. A different kind. You're staying here for more then popularity, aren't you?"

Lillie's eyes widened and she nodded "How did you -" Subaru just shrugged and smiled.

"If you need help, you can always talk to us," he said

Lillie looked at everyone as they looked from her to Subaru then back again. "I ... I want to show you something," said Lillie

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