Broken Ships Pt. 2

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"Please stop that," Subaru said as the Mad Hatter kept comparing heights, hair styles, eye color, everything. "This is very creepy,"

"Wow, we're almost the same," Hatter grinned

"Give the guy space," said Yume as she pulled the hatter away "Please. If not for the-other-dimension-you then for us. Looking at you two at the same time is making my eyes hurt,"

"Okay, okay, okay!" The Hatter grinned "But you know you have another you too!"

"I do?" said Yume

"Yep," Alice nodded "I think everyone in Contefee has one,"

"Wait, wait," said Subaru "You've met the other Yume?"

"Yeah ..." Hatter suddenly gasped "You met her too?! WHOA!"

"I'm still shocked there's another me in another dimension!" Yume cried

"Oh my head," said Maria "It can't take in all these dimensions,"

"So Yume was here?" Subaru asked again

"She was," said Elza "She was the one that turned me to stone,"

"Well she had help," Alice added

"If she was here, then how did she get back?" Subaru asked

"With a magic microphone!" said Hatter "I have it ... right ... Alice, where did we put that thing again?"

"I thought Yume took it with her when she vanished from our world," said Alice

"Does that mean Subaru is stuck here?" Yume asked

"Not necessarily," said Elza "There might be another way,"

"There's another way?!" Alice cried in surprise

"Yes, but it is untested and very dangerous. They say, at the other end of Nullendroit is a portal to another world. That might get you home,"

"Wait ... Nullendroit?" Maria repated

A shiver went up everyone's spine. 

"But we can't expect -" Alice began

"I'll do it," Subaru said firmly "I'll go through,"

"You could get stuck there you know," said Elza

"I know ... But I'm still willing to try,"


Subaru, Hatter, Alice, Elza, Maria, Yume, and the now back-to-normal Otome stood at the edge of Nullendroit, they all had worried faces on - except for Subaru! He was determined.

"You don't have to go," said Hatter "You could stay here where it's safe. We could be twins! I hardly got to know you,"

"Yeah, well, I'm just like you but ... different," Subaru said with a shrug

"What's that like?"

"It's like being yourself," he answered

"But you're sure you want to go through ... there?" Otome asked

"I'm sure,"

"Well, be safe!" said Maria

"Yeah, don't die!" Yume added

"I won't,"

"And we'll always remember and be thankful to you for everything you've done!" said Alice with teary eyes "Really ... thank you so much,"

"Any time, Alice,"

"And Subaru," said Elza "Take care of yourself,"

"I will," Subaru was about to take his first step into the woods but quickly turned back "Oh I almost forgot, Yume,"

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