The Lady with the Wand

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The snow blew even harder as Otome guided the way for Subaru and Juri up the mountain and back to the cottage. the candlelit lights shining from their window was a beacon in the cold icy mess. Two short knocks later Yume White swung open the door.

"You're back!" she cried with relief right before Subaru wrapped his arms around her. "Wow. What's with the hug?"

"I'm sorry, I just ... really miss someone," he said


"Come on," Subaru sniffed and started to help Juri inside "She needs help,"

"I have tea brewing by the hearth," said Maria

"Get her a cup,"

Juri sat down on the couch, she was still shaking all over. "How long were you in there?" Alice asked

"I've ... lost count of all the years," said Juri "Five maybe,"

"Oh you poor thing," Alice exclaimed "I couldn't stand the few hours, how did your survive all those years?"

"I .... I-I-I don't know," Maria handed Juri the cup full of warm tea. Juri took it, her hand shook so much tea spilled everywhere and dropped it onto the floor. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't -"

"It's fine!" said Yume as she grabbed a broom to sweep up the mess "I feel like I should be the one to apologize, I'm the one who sent you to that awful place,"

"Only by my cursed wishes," said Juri "You have nothing to be sorry for. Elza ... on the other hand," Juri turned to Elza with a scowl "What are you doing here? What right do you have to be here? Have you no dignity to come here as a guest of any kind?"

"Juri! Juri!" Subaru cried "She's changed over the years, she's different now,"

"No on can change that much,"

"But she protected us!" Otome cried "Just look at her scar,"

Elza hand reached up to her cheek where her cut had turned into a super cool scar. "It was my fault," said Alice "I let Nullendroit take hold of me,"

"I refuse to believe Elza has changed at all," Juri said firmly

"Believe or don't believe," said Subaru "We need her help to stop Lillie from turning Contefee into a frozen wasteland,"

"Juri, you were hotter then any of us," said Maria as she gave Juri a second cup of tea "We are sure you can melt the ice that Lillie has cascaded over the country,"

Juri drank her tea. "Maybe once, but you have not spent years in the dreaded Nullendroit," she said "It sucks your life away as you wallow in your worst memories and can only see darkness and hear the cries of all the lost souls in there,"

"You're right, we don't know," said Alice "But we need your help. Isn't there anything we can do?"

"Hmm ... I remember, before I was cursed, I was at a party,"

'That would explain the outfit'  Subaru thought

"I remember people telling me I was hotter then ever that night," Juri told them

"Well you won't find as many parties going around now," said Elza "It's far too cold,"

"But ..." said Yume "I know someone who still holds parties. The Ice Queen herself! She hold many fine balls up in her palace in Arundel,"

"In fact," said Maria "I heard word in town recently that she is having another party, I think it was tonight,"

"Tonight?!" Everyone cried

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