The Point of Maddness

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"Alice?" Subaru called "Alice! Alice where did you go?" Subaru looked around but could only see darkness and bits and pieces of the eerie territory around him, the only sound of the strange cries of animals (at least he thought they were animals).

"Alice can't help you," a single light emerged from the darkness, with it came a girl. A young girl was holding a lantern. She wore a kind friendly smile on her face, Subaru's nerves started to relax. "But I can help, a friend in need is a friend in deed, isn't that how the old saying goes?"

"Y-yeah ... who are you?" Subaru asked

"Aine Riding Hood!" she answered with another smile

"So you're a friend of mine?" Subaru asked, Aine nodded "Okay, then tell me where Alice is,"

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"So you're a friend of mine?" Subaru asked, Aine nodded "Okay, then tell me where Alice is,"

"Your friend can't help you," Aine said as she started to walk deeper into Nullendroit, Subaru followed behind her. "Nullendroit has a funny way of working, almost like it's alive, you know?"

"I don't know about that," said Subaru "But where is she?"

"Around. I'll take you to her if you want,"

"You know where she is?"

"Of course! Nullendroit is the place of eternal night, if I didn't know how to find my way around then no one could get around. She's over here, follow me," They hadn't stopped walking since they began, but Subaru kept on following her.

"How can one place be dark forever?" Subaru asked

"That's how Nullendroit wants to work," Aine answered in a straightforward manor "It will do as it pleases."

"Right," Subaru nodded, his nerves starting to return "But how could we be so deep in, how did we loose each other? Where's -"

"It does as it pleases," Aine said as she continued walking "Don't fall behind," Subaru sped up a bit, the animal noises got louder.

"What is that?" Subaru asked

"What is what?"

"That ... that noise? What animal makes that noise?"

"Your kind," Aine answered with a smile

"What does that mean?"

Aine didn't answer, just kept on walking. "You are a strange sort of person Subaru," she said "Why do question everything now?"

"Why not now?" he asked, then paused "How did you know my name?"

"Your head has been full of questions ever since you saw the face of your beloved again," Aine said, continuing her walk without hesitation.

"The face of my what?!" Subaru cried "Alright ... whoever you are, Aine, the grim reaper, I would you stop walking?"

"You can't even remember anything other then your name," Aine said, not stopping "You don't know how old you are, when your birthday is, you forgot your family,"

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