Down The Rabbit Hole

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"The Rabbit Hole is a casino?" said Subaru as the three of them stood in front of a dirt hole in the middle of the snow, a half buried sign stood next to it that read 'Rabbit Hole Wonderland Casino! (Anything you forget is our legal property)'

Alice stomped on his foot "You knew that," she whispered loudly

"Right! Sorry, I forgot,"

"She's in there," said Elza (who changed her appearance to look some kind and gentle) "Don't talk to anyone, don't buy anything, and don't believe anything anyone tells you,"

"Yeah, yeah, got it," said Alice "Let's go!" Alice jumped down the hole, Elza followed. Subaru looked down the hole, shivered, then jumped down.

"AH!!" He screamed as he seemed to fall through air. "This! Is! Insane!"

He kept falling, twisting, turning, going in several loops. Then finally, Subaru hit the ground with a loud THUD! 

"Get up," said Alice as she pulled Subaru off the ground "Welcome - er - back to The Rabbit Hole,"

The Rabbit Hole was very crowded and ... strange. It was like a long tunnel that twisted around and around but, at the same time, went forward. Looking at it too long made Subaru's eyes start to hurt.

"Come on," said Elza "We'll find her at the end of the casino, it will be faster if we take the trolley,"

"Did you say," yelled a loud voice, suddenly, a big purple, green, and blue trolley rode in a loop, avoiding all the customers but bumping over more then one table "Trolley?"

"Um, we did," said Subaru, looking for the driver "Where are you?"

"Down here!" They all looked down to see a tiny person with huge round ears and a tail standing on the rails "My name is Conductor Kirara Doormouse, and I will be taking you wherever you want to go in the casino!"

"Down here!" They all looked down to see a tiny person with huge round ears and a tail standing on the rails "My name is Conductor Kirara Doormouse, and I will be taking you wherever you want to go in the casino!"

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"That's perfect," said Alice "We need to get to the back of the casino,"

"Right away!" Kirara said happily "Hop right in and we'll be there before you can squeak!"

Subaru, Alice, and Elza got onto the trolley, as soon as they closed the door Kirara pulled on a lever (or jumped onto it, for she was too small to be doing any pulling) and they took of at lightning speed!

Subaru swayed back and forth being slammed into Alice then Elza then the wall. When he could keep his Wallace he took the time to admire Kirara, she was jumping and flipping around the controls with such balance and wasn't dizzy at all. Then suddenly, the trolley came to an abrupt halt and Subaru bounced from the wall then onto Alice sending them to the ground.

"Ow," said Alice

"Sorry," said Subaru as he helped her up

"Thank you for riding the trolley," said Kirara "Make sure to tell your friends!"

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