The Party

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Night had fallen and night covered the mountains of Arundel, it was lit by nothing but the stars, moon, and the lights coming from the ice palace at the top. The palace was beautiful as it was deadly, the other sleighs and carriages that were parked in front were covered in ice and frost and snow. "I see some horses resting over there," Elza pointed as she freed Otome from the sleigh "go rest over there,"

Otome neighed, trotted off, and Elza opened the door for everyone else. "Come on, come on. Juri needs to get her fire back and quickly, it's freezing!"

Elza was right, even with the warm clothes, here, at the heart of the storm, it was the coldest. "Do you feel anything Juri?" Alice asked

"Cold," she answered "But ... a little excited. It's party all the same!"

Her friends smiled at her and they went in.

The inside of the palace was just as beautiful, guest were in groups chatting, eating, laughing, but all the noise was drowned out by the loud music that played from the enchanted instruments  above them.

"This place gives me the chills," said Yume "Oh ... pun unintended,"

Maria nodded "It's scary, that's what it is,"

"We're not here to talk about how scary it is," said Elza "You three ... go mingle with a crowd, try to have fun. Fake hatter, you're coming with me! We're looking for Lillie!"

Elza started walking off and, not knowing what else to do, Subaru followed her. "Good luck guys," he whispered

"You too," Alice whispered back


Subaru tried to keep his balance on the icy floor, Elza didn't seem to have any problem walking on the ice and THAT was the problem. Elza didn't seem to care if Subaru was struggling behind her in the slightest, she never even glanced back, so he nearly slipped and hit the floor or a table trying to catch up with her. He even bumped into a few party guest, who were as cold as ice. "Sorry," he said over and over again.

Finally, at the end of the party room was Lillie, sitting on throne of ice. She worn a divinely beautiful gown with crystal like roses and wings as blue as ice. Her cold gaze felt like it was piling snow onto Subaru shoulders. He put his gloved hand on his shoulder to be sure. It was.

Subaru brushed the snow off and turned to Elza. "So what do we do now?"

Elza didn't answer, she walked straight up to Lillie who, surprisingly, didn't seem ... surprised  that they were there. "Greetings," she said in an icy yet friendly tone.

"I'm in no mood for your pleasantry," said Elza and Subaru struggled to catch up through the ice

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"I'm in no mood for your pleasantry," said Elza and Subaru struggled to catch up through the ice. "We need you to stop causing chaos throughout Contefee,"

"Chaos? Is that what you call it?" Lillie asked, now seeming surprised "Why, it's not chaos at all. It is simply my order taking it's rightful place in this dark world of so much sorrow and pain. this young man understands, don't you?"

"Huh?" Subaru had just caught up and didn't hear anything but 'sorrow and and pain'.

Lillie smiled and stood up, her wings spreading wider. "Come with me," she said "I want to have a chat with you,"

"Um ..." Subaru turned to Elza, she was squinting (or maybe scowling) but shrugged carelessly. "Um, sure,"

Lille smiled and took Subaru's hand, Elza followed behind. "No, no. You  stay," Lillie pointed to Elza. Now Elza was clearly scowling.

"Elza, please," said Subaru

"Fine," With a spin of her heel, Elza walked away and Lillie continued pulling Subaru.

"Follow me," she said


"Anything yet?" Yume asked Juri

"No," Juri replied as she headed over to the hors d'oeuvres table. She picked up a tasty looking crab cake to her lips only to discover it was frozen and hard as rock. "The food isn't helping much,"

"No it is not," said Alice, she turned to a different party guest "Excuse me," the guest didn't reply "Erm, hello?"

Alice tapped the guest and she realized, not just this guest but all the guest, that everyone was frozen solid statues!

"This isn't good," said Alice

"Are they ... dead?" Maria asked

"No," said Elza as she walked over "They're still alive in there. For how much longer ... it's uncertain,"

"Oh dear,"

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