Reason and Understanding

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Lillie had taken Subaru to a hall way, the arches looked like bird cages with thorns and roses spiraling around the bars. Paintings of bird and cages were lined along the walls, a crystal ceiling shone above them, the floor was still ice. Lillie had let go of Subaru's hand and now he was having trouble keeping up again.

"You're not from here, are you?" said Lillie

"Eh? Uh ... no," Subaru atmitted

"I could tell. there's just something about you that doesn't hold the Contefee feeling of wonder," Lillie said with a smile "To be honest, I'm not from either. Myself and a friend of mien traveled here from our home, a far off land I'm sure you've never heard of,"

"Earth?" Subaru guessed

"No. Is that where you're from? What a funny sounding name. But I mean that in the best possible way,"

Lillie turned her head to smile at Subaru, Subaru smiled back then remembered the last time he followed a mysterious stranger. He began to feel nervous. "So ... where are you from?"

"Glachaud," Lillie answered


"You're right," said Subaru "I've never heard of it before,"

Lillie giggled "Oh you certainly are a great conservationist," Lille opened a pair of purple doors to reveal an ice balcony. Now Subaru really had to be careful not to slip. "Look," Lille stretched her arm out to the horizon. Subaru carefully walked over to the rails with Lillie. The beautiful view of the pure white snow and dark blue sky was glorious! Something he hadn't seen since ... since ... when was it?

Then he remembered, he was with her.

Subaru shook his head and tried to forget. "You have experienced pain so deeply," said Lillie "I can see it in your eyes. You want to run and be free, you want to be with her again," Subaru opened his mouth to talk, his lips were moving but no words came out. "Yes, I see I have spoken where I shouldn't have. Forgive me,"

Subaru finally found his words. "It's fine,"

The two looked at the beautiful view some more. "Isn't it beautiful?" said Lillie "Such worlds I am able to create!"

"It ... it is lovely," said Subaru "But it's dangerous. Other people have died from this cold,"

"I have received no such complaint," said Lillie

"Well now you are," Subaru turned to Lillie "We came here to stop you and your winter! To bring back summer! To bring right to this world!"

"Right? Stop me?" Lillie turned to Subaru "I see you are failing to see, what I do doesn't just make me happy, it brings joy to everyone on Contefee. You have failed to see how happy I make everyone. No body was forced to come to my parties you know, I let them all come to my palace out of the goodness of my heart, the palace that THEY  built for me from the goodness of their hearts," More snow piled onto Subaru "Don't you see? People love what I do! What I do makes people happy,"

"But some -"

"Well now you've brought the odd complaint, but on the whole I've been a saint!" said Lillie "You need to see the bigger picture here. A story is not about the minor characters, you need to focus on the stars! The only ones who do  matter,"

"That's a lie!"

"Is it?" There was a short moment of silence before Lillie continued "You need to look away from these little problems, these little issues, the details that no one cares about. Keep your eye on the bigger picture," Lille stretched her hand back to the horizon "This  is the bigger picture,"

"But it's unfair to everyone else -"

"Nothing is truly fair," Lillie interrupted "Everyone can never be satisfied at once, and you know that. Your pain, that proves you know just how unfair the world is. To take the life of the one you love most, to come from a world where you are destined to be apart. It isn't fair, is it?"

Subaru didn't answer. he was angry and his eyes were hot. But he didn't want to cry! He was tired of crying! But he couldn't stop the one tear that rolled off his cheek and hit the floor with a CLINK!

"I'll let you be," said Lillie "But please know, I'm not the bad guy here. This world needs people like us, those who know  how unfair everything is," Lillie left and Subaru was slowly starting to freeze.


"We need to find him," said Alice, tearing her eyes away from the froze figures "Subaru's in danger! He can't be left alone with that witch!"

"Where did they go?" Maria asked

"Down that way," Elza pointed to the door "Come on. If we hurry we can stop her,"

The five of them dashed for the door, doing there best not to slip on the ice (Yume failed). After Maria helped Yume up, they started for the door again just as Lillie emerged, and she was alone. She turned to them blankly "Why, whatever is the matter?" she asked

"Where is he?" Yume asked


"You know perfectly well who," said Elza "What did you do to him?"

"We merely talked, nothing more,"

"There is more!" Alice cried "You do something with your words, you're a sick temptress! What did you do to Subaru?! Tell us! NOW!"

Lillie starred at them coldly, there skin felt like it had turned to ice. "Those are some very strong words for such a little girl like you," Lillie walked closer to them, the floor getting icier with each step she took.

"Who are you calling 'little girl'?" Alice asked

Lillie took another step forward and the ice under their feet was too much for them to bare and they all fell over and shivered. "You are guests here," said Lillie reasonably "I suggest you keep your places,"

"Not until you keep yours," said Elza. she spread open her wings of darkness, her true self being reviled. "We want you out of Contefee, and out of our home,"

Lille glared at Elza, Elza's wings turned to ice. "Unlike you, people wanted me here,"

"ENOUGH!!" Juri yelled with a stomp of her foot, flames appeared around her like an aura, melting away the ice and revealing the marble from underneath. "You will not hurt anyone anymore, Lillie,"

 "You will not hurt anyone anymore, Lillie,"

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