Lost World [15] Bubberland's Weirdness

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Hey guys so this is chapter 15 hope you enjoy it, also check out my other stories :)

Bubberland's Weirdness

The morning came and Michelle was ready to look for that person, the night before Pim had told her that the person was supposed to be close to her but with all that was going on her friends and family could be anywhere. This was not going to be an easy mission they had to visit many places without knowing who they were looking for. Melody told Robert about their mission and gave them permission to assist it. Everybody was getting ready for their arrive in Bubberland the city besides Tofuland the city in which Jason and Paulette went to school.

Michelle: "Wow this place is so different than Bell rose all of them, this place looks like one of those European cities like you see in the movies Germany in the past and places like that"

Logan: "Hey"

Melody: "Oh, great the King of all Pervert's is here" she said hugging him

Logan: "Long time no see Little Miss Chosen One"

Michelle: "Yeah" she smiled

Paulette: "Good Morning"

Melody: "G'morning Paulie"

Logan: "Well guys let's go to work"

Michelle: "Hey wait don't tell me that I can't do anything this time as well. Besides you guys need me this time, I'm the one whose suppose to know who the person is, right?"

Jason: "I told you once, right? WISE knows everything about you, See ya, don't get into trouble"

Melody: "Right, what do you guys do in missions like these?"

Michelle: "Well they don't let me do anything so last time I worked on a café it was so much fun"

Paulette: "And I had some important matters to attend"

Michelle: "Why do the guys always go secretive without us knowing?"

Melody: "They use women to sniff out the culprits they always do that it's sometimes annoying but oh well"

Paulette: "That's right, besides this is the place where Logan was raised so those three must know all about this city since they go to missions together  

they meet a lot of new people"

Melody: "I remember daddy reading Logan's record he had no family he was raised by an adoptive rich family but never gave him much importance so he started to do whatever he liked since the sixth grade. But when Jason was on one of his missions here in Bubberland Logan begged him to take him away"

Michelle: "So this place brings him bad memories" she said "I never thought Jason could be that nice" she thought

Melody: "Let's go to work on a café like Michelle did it sounds like so much fun and that's an order"

Paulette: "It doesn't look like we have a choice"

The girls entered a pretty café near the plaza,

Michelle: "What kind of sick joke is this? The café looks like the one from Tofuland" she thought.

Woman: "Welcome to Mint Café and Pastry Palace what can help you three today"

Michelle: "Koral!"

Woman: "Oh no dear I'm Karen, Koral's sister I'm the manager of this café like she's the one from the other café in Tofuland."

Paulette: "So you are the same cafés with different names but same company?"

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