n i n e t e e n

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a i d e n / a r i e s

"Welcome back Zodiac," Orion clapped her hands together. "I hope you all slept well. As for today you will need all of your energy.

"Like last Friday, we will be continuing your training for your final power. Today you will be returning into your elemental groups, and you will be doing activities to strengthen the relationship between your signs. So, scatter."

I crossed my arms and walked over to my group. On my way there, someone accidentally bumped into me.

"I'm so sorry!" I glared to the side and saw Cameron.

Because of the look I gave him, he ran off to his group. I whipped my head back to the front and stood next to Shane.

"I assume you are all grouped up, correct?" Orion asked.

We nodded.

"Great," She smiled. "Now, training will be more activity based rather than agility and intelligence based.

"The first activity you will do is called 'Minefield. In this activity. everyone will be on the same 'Minefield.' With your group, you will be trying to get everyone to the other side of the field without stepping in the mines. If you step on a mine, you will be back at the start.

"You will be allowed five minutes to strategize and plan, but once a team member is on the field you cannot talk strategies."

Orion walked around each of us and stopped when she was in the middle, "The two other people you are with is your group."

I looked over and saw Lea and Shane smile at one another. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Orion — who was forming the field.

"You will have sixty minutes to complete this test. Starting now is your five minutes to plan—go."

• • •

"Shane what the hell!" I screamed when he stepped on a mine and was sent back to our start — this time with a scratch on his cheek.

"You were supposed to make a right! Do you know your frickin directions?" I yelled at him.

"Aiden calm down," Lea said, a hint of fear lacing through her words.

She placed her hand on my arm, "We won't be able to finish this if you are yelling."

I angrily released myself from her grasp, "Don't touch me."

"Aiden what the hell is wrong with you," Shane crossed his arms. "You were fine this morning; why are you acting like a dick right now."

I scoffed, "Maybe you should be trying harder to learn your directions, and not step on the mines — that are obvious to see — so that we can finish this  activity."

"I should be trying harder?" He glared. "Maybe if you actually told us a simple strategy we wouldn't be in this place."

"Shut the hell up."

"Both if you stop! We aren't going to get through with this if you keep fighting!" Lea got in between us and shouted. "You are acting like you are five years old. Grow the hell up, you are both 17."

"I'm not going to work with someone who doesn't know how to follow simple instructions," I turned my back and began to walk away.

The Unexpected Zodiac (#Wattys2018)Where stories live. Discover now