Chapter 17

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So I been meeting up with Ben everyday for the last 3 months since that night I left the house . Alot has happened since then , Kayden had his birthday party and Kentrell didn't show up , no surprise to me  . Journiee is starting to walk and it so amazing that my babies are really growing up .

This biggest of them all was watching Diamond stand at the end of the Alter waiting for her Bride to come . My heart has so much love for Diamond , she was my everything before all this and I was so happy to be apart of her wedding and to help out with everything and I wish them both the best .

I was cleaning up the house , since my mom came and got the kids for the summer last night . She knew with everything going with Kentrell, that I needed a break. I told her about me and Ben and she fully understood. I finished cleaning the house and smelted so good. I got my phone and I check my social media to see Kentrell all up on snap with some hoe , It didn't even phase me at all too see him partying at night and I'm at home taking care of business and our kids .

I had just got out the shower and I FaceTime Ben . He answered so quickly and all I could do was laugh at him . His eyes was so low and he had a blunt in his mouth .

Wassup babe ?

Mhm nothing, I just wanted to see your face that's all . I miss you I said with the puppy dog face

I missed you too , come out here.

Where to Miami , Ben your crazy  .

How I'm crazy ? Just to spend time with my girl and I'm crazy? I tired of spearing you Ry'lee

I looked at Ben with this strange face , because I knew he was right . He was really tired of shearing me and I couldn't do nothing about .

Aye , I'm finna go visit my sister, I'll hit you back later

Okay babe 



I love you

I love you too?


Kentrell come here daddy said some random bitch

Aye we already fucked , now getting out my room hoe .

Fuck you Kentrell the random said getting her clothes off the floor.

Bye bitch ( hearing the door slam)

I was seating on the edge of the bed looking at my home screen and it was a picture of Ry'lee and my kids. Damn she look so beautiful, skin just glowing and that smile, that smile is so beautiful to me .

Ring Ring Ring Ring

Hello Ry'lee said in a sleepy voice

You sleep ?

No, I was but not now . What is it Ken .

Wyd today?

Nothing my bed .

Ight then , ttyl.

Ry'lee hung up the phone without even saying goodbye or I love you . I have noticed some changes with her over the passed 3 months and I can put my finger on it , but I will. She always saying she going to see the girl and shit , but she doesn't have any friends. But I wanna know , because sleeping alone and seeing random is a fucken mess . I got a queen at home , but I know she doesn't need me .

I walked into the house and I went up stairs and I seen Ry'lee packing up some clothes .

Mhm you going somewhere ?

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