For My Grandma

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Words cannot express how much I miss you. I wish I can say all this to you now but I can't. You raised me and all of your grandchildren. You were like my second mom. Someone I can go to when I needed someone. When I needed to smile for no reason, to laugh time to time. Võvo, I love you more then words can express. I think about you all the time and I now feel deep down you are here with me and the rest of your grandchildren. I wish you were still here so I can tell you everything. About school, my friends, but also the boy I loved. Can tell you that when I'm older I want to be a songwriter and have a wonderful family. I want to tell you about my dreams. I want to tell you about that asshole who use to pick on me. You would of told me "he's a no one". I want to tell you all about the new friends I have and what they've done for me. I want to tell you that mom quit smoking. We are all proud of her. Daddy is starting to smile more. He's a very happy man. If you are here, with me. Thank you for protecting me. Leading me in the way you planned to. One day. Just one day. I hope to see you again. To hear your voice again. I can't wait to see your arms open for a hug like old times. I can't wait to see you again. Home. Home is where we all belong. Who said I needed friends when I have family? My blood? I can't wait for you to come downstairs. I love you Võvo. I love you more then ever. Thanks you for raising me. Thank you for calling me beautiful. Thanks for being my second mommy.
Rest In Peace
~Your Granddaughter❤️

sad and broken (poetry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora