Reasons Why

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There are reasons why I didn't give up yet
But giving up is no option
It's time to turn on the last song
And leave without you
But I thought you should know
Your one of the reasons why I'm still alive
And the reason why I believed in love
Cause I fell in love with you
I also thought you should know
I will always come back
But now, it's time to flip the page
Close the book and leave
I will always hear the last song
Even when I'm gone
It's been on since you've been gone
Our time shall disappear
But your smile never fated away
But your song will be playing over and over
Till I've had enough
The perfect song will always end up
Playing till the end
Because there is no end without you
Here I am
Standing at the edge
But the road is heading the way to the future
I will never waste the love I had for you
I will never throw away what you gave me
Your right
I should be happy
Like you told me to
So this is me saying
"I love you"
I know we will make it to the end
I just don't know if you will be there
For the journey
So I say again
I love you
Never doubt that
My love for you will never disappear
Here I am at the end of the cliff
Trying to figure out where the bottom is
The last song
The last smile
The last heart beat
The last tear
This is where you and I will disappear
We can fly together
I will do it again if I have to
We can fly together and rule the world
But when it's gone
We will be gone together
This is how I'm gonna remember you
This song is ours
This song is the pain
This song is what we live for
This song is where I fell in love with you
This is the song that I realize
That the moon and stars can be together forever
Even if they try
They will be closer then ever
Right now I'm falling
But when will I reach the ground?
I'm floating
But when will it stop?
When will you come save me?
I'll wait as long as God is carrying me along
The way
I love you
And this is the last song

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