Time Will Keep Passing By

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Time passes. It goes and goes till your scars fade away. It doesnt care if you have things to do, it doesnt care if your wasting your time. The clock will keep on moving. Even if your not following. Its still gonna fly by. Time doesnt effect anything. If you love someone its never to late. Tell them. No really, tell them. Cause once he walks out that door. Hes not coming back. The clock will keep ticking. No matter  how long you wait for him to come back. Hes not gonna come back. Hes gone. Gone.  Its like a flower, once beautiful, now faded in the inside. It could take what seems like forever to find him. But you know what, hes not far. One day, outta the blue, hes gonna come back happier then ever. Tonight when Im looking at the moon. I wonder if hes gonna look at it to. I wonder if a shooting star came by and he was kn the other side looking at it to. What I miss more then anything is that smile and those big brown eyes. God I miss that. Why is it that God takes the things I love away from me. Take my money, my tears. Not what I love. When he left. I had no words. But the after math, the after math was worse when he left thru those doors. Never take things for granted. Because once you lose it, you didnt know that you loved it. When I say "it" I mean "him". You never know what you have till its gone. Espically when you have dreams about him and when you wake up, its all gone. Thats how it feels. Or when you see someone that looks like him, but its not him. Yeah gets me everytime. I think when you start to miss him you start to feel weak. Thats the worse pain anyone can feel.  When they say "move on", "you'll find someone better". Honestly makes me feel worse. Theres a choice to stay and keep holding on to his hand and theres a choice of leaving. I dont know what to choose. I guess time will choose if I will see him again. If God wants to. Time will keep on going. Even if your not following along.

sad and broken (poetry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora