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Every song I cry to because it reminds me of you. I never thought I would miss you this much. Like I see flashes everytime I walk or even listening to music. Its scray because it feels so real. But once you snap out of it. It was all a dream. Its not real anymore. Its now a memory. A moment where you can't see anymore. Every time I think about you or talk about you. I break. I break in the inside. I never knew losing you would be this hard. I feel like Im breaking right now. Even thought your gone. I still see you. It feels real. But I know its not.  I still pretend your here so I don't cry anymore. Your like herion. Your so addictive and I can't get enough.  The worse type of crying is the silent one. When your laying down and start balling your eyes out and having a hard time to breathe. And the sad thing is. You don't even know it. You will never know that I love you. And you will never know how much you meant to me. One day I hope you will realize how much you meant to me. Your gone. But it doesn't me your off my mind. And it doesn't mean Im off yours. I believe you did care about me. But you never wanted to show how much you cared about me and thats okay. I forgive you. The hard part is restarting. But the hardest part is restarting without you.

sad and broken (poetry)Where stories live. Discover now