Blood From My Roses

19 2 1

I feel like the world is just full of demons
But one angel is here
But I don't know where he is
I love him more then anything
I look outside
And watch my beautiful roses
Turn dark red and drop blood
I look at the sky and the sky is turning red
The sun turning blue
The moon
Becoming bigger
I start to cry
But notice my tears are not tears
Im crying blood
The blood coming from my eyes
Trickling down my neck
I fall to my knees and ask God
"Help me"
"The demons are taking me"
Where was God when I needed him?
Where was "he" when I needed him to save me?
When I needed his love to get me through the night?
Where was he when I said
"I can't live without you"
That's when I knew I was dreaming
There was no blood
I looked out my window
I didn't just see the glowing moon
I looked at my roses
And saw blood
"God tell me it's just a dream"

"It's just the beginning my child"

"Welcome home"


That's when I knew
The one I loved needed to come home
Or else
He was gonna disappear
Like I was going to

sad and broken (poetry)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora