Chapter Eleven

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The day was as clear as it could be. Clouds covered the sun now and the, giving a cooler tone on this hot day.
Summer was coming in slowly, the day grew warmer and longer. Nights shorter than springs.

In the clearing a structure was being put togeather. Two large men talking and sharing a bite to eat while a omega was settled under the tree's canopie, looking rather bored. It had been at least a few months since they last seen that hole in the ground. Arthur was still moping over the move, but grew used to his new surroundings and company.

When they first settled in the opening, it seemed like no one was around, but later on in the following week; they felt like someone was watching them. Every move they made, eyes were in them, until one day: a alpha popped out of his hiding place. At first, Francis nearly attacked him, thinking it was one of Gilbert's spies. It wasn't.
It happened to be a freeloader from a small pack. He was out and about when Arthur and Francis choose their new home. He decided to watch them, seeing if they were company or something to get his pants in a twist about. Luckily, Francis didn't attack him.

Back to current events; Francis patted the new friend on the back and huffed.

"Oui, oui, thank you for the help Richard. I've never built a home before and with your help I'm greatful."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever gets me out of the village." He joked.

"And I wasn't going to let you keep that poor omega of yours living in a cart." This earning a chuckle from the French alpha.

While the alphas talked and worked, Arthur continued to watch them. Sure, he was okay with the other male, but wasn't comfortable enough to have a full blown conversation.

Giving a huff, he got up from the forest floor and walked over to the cart. He spent most of his time there and found it comfortable thanks to the furs.
Once settled down he closed his eyes and tried to get some more sleep.

"Arthur, come on. Get out of the cart and into some sun light!"

Arthur groaned and curled back up.
"Leave me be. I'm tired."
He muttered but could never be left alone. Francis was always there to pester him.

"Come on, up. You're perfectly fine." He huffed and pulled the first fur off the omega causing it to growl a bit out of sheer annoyance.

"Arthur. Now, you need sun light, that and Richard would love to include you into our conversations-"

"Francis, just. Leave me be. Please.. I'm tired, I'm hungry, and I just want to sleep." He practacly whined before yanking the fur blanket back.

Francis, now huffing out of angry, annoyance; leaves him be. He goes back to the other alpha and explains how and why Arthur rejected the invite of socializing.

Thinking Richard asked a few questions.

"Well.. I suppose he is close to that age.." Francis comments. He didn't know much on dealing with an omega, he mostly knew what he was tought: to rule over them. It was clear that died down quick after meeting Arthur. He'd admitted... Arthur could be a handful at times.

Slowly, the thoughts of breeding crossed Francis mind, it made him anxious and the other alpha could sense it. Francis hadn't touched Arthur yet, he grew to have some form of respect for the moody omega.

"Look, Francis. I'm not the one to tell you how to handle your hormones, but you're making the place stink with pure alpha." Richard huffed a bit and turned his nose up.

"Sorry, but.. it's been forever since I've done anything down there." Francis laughed with a bit of awkwardness.

"I haven't even tried anything outside of kissing and scent marking Arthur.."

Richard smirked a bit at this, finding it rather amusing.

"Well, I'm sure you'll have glorious time with him then." He chuckled a bit and picked up the hammer.

"Well, better start working. Don't want anyone to see you make that omega yours out in the open do we?"

With that, work was soon put in action. The next day how ever, Richard came back with three other people, another alpha, a omega, and a beta.

The omega was left to check up on Arthur, who.. wasn't too happy to have more people in the area, but later greatful when the omega confirmed why he felt so shitty.

While Arthur was getting a check up, the alphas and the beta managed to power through building the house. And later, more people from the village showed up, either there to see what was going on, or to help their Neighbors with their home.

In the next few days, everything was complete. Just in time too, it wouldn't be long before a full round of horny omega heat to take over.

Over the few days of light heats or mood swings, Francis slept out side the cabin, letting Arthur adjust to the place before anything further could happen. Sure; Francis couldn't wait, but he wanted to have Arthur at his fullest.

And thus came the night, the moon was full and it was clear that the omega was losing hold of his sanity.

Hetalia+Omegaverse: An Omega Named Arthur Where stories live. Discover now