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At the Hydra facility, in Schmidt’s lab.

    Schmidt turned off the light. "Is there something in particular you need?" he asked as an artist painted Schmidt’s portrait in oil.
    "I understand you found him." Zola stated.
    "See for yourself." Schmidt said as Zola stepped over to the table to look at several survaillance photos taken of Dr. Erskine. "You disapprove."
    "I just don’t see why you need concerne yourself. I can’t imagine he will succeed." he said looking nervously at Schmidt. "Again."
    "His serum is the Allies’ only defence against this power we now possess. If we take it away from them, then our victory is assured." Schmidt said confidently.
    "Shall I give the order?" Zola asked.
    "It has been given." Schmidt stated.
    "Good." Zola said turning to go.
    "Dr. Zola." Schmidt said turning on the lights. "What do you think?"
    Zola looked at the painting. "A masterpiece." the artist looked relieved with Zola’s assessment.
    I woke up and stretched a bit. I glanced to my left and saw Steve lying next to me, soundly asleep, a look of tranquility on his face.
    I sat up and blushed, remembering what happened last night. I grabbed my clothes and put them back on, I ran my hands through my hair a couple of times and sighed in content.
    It's surprising that none of the other soldiers came in at all... Surely Steve doesn't have this place to himself, what is he supposed to do with six beds?
    I kissed Steve's lips and got off the bed. I peeked my head out of his tent and noticed that hardly anyone was up. I quickly ran to my tent and glanced around, Peggy wasn't in there.
    I hope she doesn't question where I was... I thought as I got dressed in the uniform that matched Peggy's. I hated skirts, but they told me that I had to wear one.
    I brushed my hair and put on my shoes. I walked to my bedside table and picked up the necklace that Steve and Bucky had gotten me for Christmas the previous year. It was a heart shaped locket, and on one side was a picture of the two of them and on the other was a picture of the three of us. I smiled and put it on then walked out of my tent, bumping into Peggy as I did so.
    "Sorry, Peggy," I said as she smoothed her hands over her jacket and glared at me slightly.
    "It's fine. Where were you last night? You weren't there when I came back and when I got up this morning you still weren't there." she said crossing her arms.
    "Well, I was with Howard going over stuff for tomorrow and then I went with Erskine to talk to Steve about it." I explained.
    She raised an eyebrow. "Yes, well then where were you the rest of the night?"
    Why do you care so much? I thought crossing my arms.
    "After Erskine left I talked with Steve about his troubles with the whole procedure and then I went and talked with Howard the rest of the night." I lied. "Next time I'll just come right back here and ask you if that's okay." I said squinting my eyes at the British agent.
    Peggy's face softened a bit. "Very well. Go see if Roger's is up, it's almost time." she said walking away. I rolled my eyes and walked to Steve's tent.
    I knocked on the door and Steve opened it, he was dressed, but his hair was still a mess.
    "Mornin', soldier." I said with a smile. Steve chuckled lightly and stepped aside so I could enter.
    "Morning, Agent Stark," he said with a smile. I rolled my eyes and sat on his bed. "How'd you sleep?"
    "Good, but the wake up was even better." I said with a slight blush. Steve chuckled and sat down next to me.
    "Was the view that good?" he asked running a hand through his hair.
    "You have no idea," I said nodded my head and biting my lip. His face flushed and he looked down at his hands. I reached over and grabbed his hand. He looked up at me and leaned in, pressing his lips to mine, I used my free hand to cup his cheek, whilst his free hand rested on my hip.
    We pulled apart and I laughed lightly.
    "What?" Steve asked with a small smile.
    "You have red on you." I said using my thumb and wiping away the small amount of lipstick that was on his lips.
    I rested my hand on the side of his face and looked into his blue eyes, I just noticed that he had a little green in them.
    "Agent Carter wanted to know if you're ready to go," I said removing my hand from his face.
    "Yeah, I'm ready." he said as we stood up, he pulled my hand and turned me to face him, crashing his lips into mine. I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck, we broke apart and looked at each other. "Okay... Now I'm ready."
    Steve and I sat with Peggy in the back while we rode through Brooklyn. Steve sat in between Peggy and I, and I had to fight the urge to grab his hand... I just didn't know if he wanted to be exclusive yet.
    Steve glanced at (Y/n) as she looked out her window as the city of Brooklyn passed them by.
    She's so beautiful... Steve thought. (Y/n) turned her head to face him and gave him a breath taking smile, he looked down at his lap, a blush creeping onto his face. What would I do without her?
    "I know this neighborhood." Steve said reaching across me and pointing out the window. "I got beat up in that alley." he said as we passed the alley way. "And that parking lot."
    "And behind that diner." I pointed out with a small smile, Steve looked at me and leaned back with a smile.
    "Did you have something against running away?" Peggy asked looking at the two of us with an eyebrow raised.
    "You start running they’ll never let you stop. You stand up, push back. Can’t say no forever, right?" Steve explained looking at her.
    "I know a little of what that’s like. To have every door shut in your face... It's hard, right (Y/n)?" Peggy said with a slight frown.
    I looked at her with furrowed eyebrows, why was she treating me like I'm her best friend when just this morning it was as if she was gonna punch me in the face, like she did to Hodge.
    "I guess I just don’t why you two would wanna join the army if you’re both beautiful dames. Or  beautiful… women. Agents, not dames! You are both beautiful, but…" Steve rambled.
    I chuckled and glanced toward him. "You have no idea how to talk to a woman, do you?"
    "This isn't the longest conversation I’ve had with one," he said looking at me with a huge smile. "But women aren’t exactly lining up to dance with a guy they might step on."
    "You must have danced?" Peggy asked looking at us, again with her eyebrow raised. Like, just say what's on your mind, girl!
    "Well, asking a woman to dance always seems so terrifying. And the past few years just didn’t seem to matter that much. Figured I’d wait." Steve explained.
    "For what?" I asked.
    "The right partner." Steve said looking at me intently. I blushed and looked out the window as we pulled up by an antiques shop. We got out of the car and I stood waiting for Steve. He closed the door and smiled at me, I smiled back as Peggy walked around the car to us.
    "This way." She said leading us toward the antiques shop.
    "What are we doing here?" Steve asked, walking beside me behind Peggy.
    "Just follow Peggy, Steven. You ask so many questions." I chuckled causing Steve to push my shoulder lightly as we went inside.
    "Wonderful weather this morning isn’t it?" The store owner said.
    "Yes, but I always carry an umbrella." I answered. I led Steve and Peggy into the hidden lab to Howard, Dr. Erskine, and his team. It was in a big circular room filled with machinery and two giant pods in the middle of it.
    Why two?
    Steve looked at me wearily, I rested my hand on his shoulder."It's gonna be fine," I whispered into his ear. He nodded slightly at me, and I removed my hand from his shoulder.
    "Good morning." Dr. Erskine said as he shook Steve’s hand as somebody took a photograph. "Please, not now." he said to the photographer causing him to walk away. Steve looked at the pods and then to me.
    "Are you ready?" I asked looking at him curiously, to be honest I am very worried about Steve, maybe if I keep saying it will be alright soon I'll start to believe it myself. Steve nodded slightly, his eyes never leaving mine.
    "Good. Take off your shirt, your tie and your hat." Dr. Erskine ordered Steve. Dr. Erskine turned to me, "Agent Stark, may I have a word?"
    Steve looked at me then to the doctor, curiosity filling his eyes. I looked at the doctor with my eyebrows raised.
    "Uh... Yeah, sure..." I said cautiously. He took me out of the room and over to the adjacent observation chamber where Colonel Phillips stood arguing with Howard.
    "I don't care what you think, sir! She is my sister and is only here to be kept safe not-" Howard yelled, I have never seen Howard this mad before, not even when he found out that Bucky and Steve would occasionally sleep over at my house, he didn't know who they were or what they looked like my neighbors just told him that two me would stay with me sometimes (and he was pretty mad then!), so this was pretty terrifying.
    "What's going on here?" I asked with my arms crossed. The two men turned toward Erskine and I. "It's rude to not answer, gentlemen."
    Colonel Philips smirked slightly. "And it's rude to interrupt someones conversation, but seeing as it was about you... I'll forgive you for that." he said with a chuckle. "Howard and I were having a little chat about the serum..."
    "(Y/n), he wants to see the effect the serum would have on a woman." Howard said looking at me, his brown eyes full of concern and fear.
    I looked at Colonel Phillips with an eyebrow raised. "Is this true, Colonel?"
    "We want to see what the serum would do to a female body, perhaps even allowing women to join the war as soldiers instead if nurses." he explained.
    "And I am the topic of conversation because?"
    "You're the strongest woman we know. You are resilient, thoughtful, and kind hearted... The serum will not corrupt you, it will only enhance your good traits." Dr. Erskine answered, I glanced toward him and then back to Howard.
    "Howie... What do you think?" I asked swallowing the lump forming in my throat.
    He looked down at the floor with his hands on his hips, he shook his head slightly. "I don't know, (Y/n)... On one hand we would eventually have to see the effects it would have on the female body, but on the other you're my little sister and if something goes wrong, I can't live with it..."
    "I... How..." I ran a hand through my hair and looked to the ground.
    It's for science, (Y/n) just do it. I thought. This way Steve won't have to go through it alone. Fuck me.
    "Okay... I'll do it..." I said letting out a deep breath, the three men looked at me with wide eyes.
    "A-are you sure?" Dr. Erskine asked glancing toward Colonel Phillips and Howard.
    I nodded. "Y-yeah, it's for science." I said looking at Howard.
    "I knew you would!" Colonel Phillips said with a smile. "You're doing the world a favor, (Y/n)." he said resting his hand on my shoulder.
    I looked up at him with my face full of concern. "Yeah..." I looked at Howard who looked at me with concern in his eyes.
    "I think everything will be okay," he said pulling me into a hug. "You should be fine."
    "I just hope that nothing changes too much, I'm already so insecure as it is."
    Howard chuckled lightly and wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walked out of the observation chamber and into the room where we had left Steve, except now he was shirtless.
    My face flushed instantly, and I looked to the ground. Howard nudged me, causing me to look up at him. He gave me a look that was filled with confusion, I just looked back down at the ground, not wanting him to sense my feelings for Steve.
    "Agent Stark, if you are going to do this you will need to-" Dr. Erskine began before I cut him off.
    "Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I am not being topless like Steve." I said giving him a death glare. Steve looked at me with wide eyes.
    "(Y/n) what's going on?" he asked.
    I unbuttoned my jacket and handed it to Howard. "Don't worry about it Steve," I said as I took off my white button up shirt leaving me in a white tank top and my skirt. "Everything will be just fine."
~In the adjacent observation chamber filled with officials.~

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