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    I sat on my bunk, my suitcase next to me, everything packed into it. I sighed... I didn't want Howard to go... I wanted Steve and I to both go to London because that's where Bucky is.
    There was a knock at the door. I furrowed my eyebrows. Who could that be? Howard doesn't knock, and Peggy wouldn't have to because this is her place too.
    "Come in!" I called out as I ran a hand through my hair. The door opened and Steve walked in, a small, awkward, smile on his face. He walked over to me and sat down next to me.
    "Hey..." he said wrapping an arm around my shoulders.
    "Hey," I said quietly.
    "What's wrong?" he asked.
    "Nothing." I lied, looking down at the ground.
    "C'mon, (Y/n)..." he said. "You know I know you better than that. Now tell me what's wrong..."
    "I... I just don't... I don't understand why we can't go to London." I said shaking my head slightly. "We could help them."
    "I know..." Steve replied.
    "I was supposed to stay with Howard... Now we are constantly going to be worrying about each other, which I already have to worry about you and Buck-"
    "Why do you have to worry about me?" he asked, causing me to glance up at him, but quickly back down to the ground.
    "B-because... well-" I cleared my throat. "N-nevermind, it's dumb."
    "Whatever you have to say isn't dumb, (Y/n). You're one of the smartest people I know... So please tell me why you have to worry about me when we are going to the same place."
    "Steve... It's not..."
    "Just spit it out, (Y/n)." he pushed.
    I furrowed my eyebrows and frowned. "I have to worry about you because there is always gonna be someone out there who is smarter than me... Someone who works harder than me... Someone who is better looking than me... And I worry that you're gonna find that person and you'll cast me aside for that person!" I yelled as I put my head in my hands.
    "(Y/n)..." Steve said softly. "(Y/n) look at me."
    I didn't... I kept my eyes glued to the floor. I didn't know that I could ever feel this way about a person before... And now that Steve is so muscular, there will be other girls practically throwing themselves at him like they do with Bucky... I don't think that this is jealousy's ugly head... I think this is insecurity's doing.
    He placed his fingers under my chin and turned my head to face him. I stared into his blue eyes, and noticed them misty with tears. "(Y/n)... I-I have you, I don't need, or want, anyone else... You're the best thing that I could ever have... And I never want to give that away... You mean too much to me to just cast you aside for some floozie."
    "Well, as long as it isn't some floozie..." I joked, he looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. "Sorry, I use humor to deflect my insecurities. Plus, I'm hilarious, don't hate."
    Steve chuckled lightly, and leaned in toward me, pressing his lips to mine. I cupped his face and he rested his hands on my hips and pulled me onto his lap.
    I ran my hands through his hair and bit his bottom lip, I leaned back slightly and pulled his lip with me. I let it go and looked into his eyes, a smile on my face.
    "Steven Grant Rogers..." I said moving my hands down to his shoulders.
    "(Y/n) (m/n) Stark..." he said moving his hands up to rest on my back.
    "...I lo-" I began but was cut off by a knock on the door.
    "(Y/n)? You up?" Howard asked. I quickly got off of Steve and wiped my lipstick from his lips. I straightened my attire and Steve did too.
    I walked to the door and opened it. "Hey, what's up?" I asked leaning against the doorframe, blocking him from seeing Steve.
    "Well, since we are getting split up I was wondering if you wanted to spend some time together, y'know before I have to leave for my flight... We could drink and what not." he said with a sad smile.
    "Howie... You know I don't drink..." I said with a frown.
    "Yeah I knew you would say that. Well, I thought that we could still hang out..."
    I opened the door all the way and pulled him into a tight hug, tears falling down my face. He wrapped his arms around me tightly.
    "When do you leave?" I asked with a sniffle.
    "In maybe an hour or so..."
    I broke the hug and punched him in the arm, hard. "Why the fuck didn't you come here sooner?!"
    "You had to pack, and I had to pack... I didn't want to get in the way... Wait... What's Rogers doin' here?" Howard asked looking at Steve.
    "Well if you must know... Steve and I were talking about Alamogordo... Which is where we will be landing tomorrow." I said walking to my bunk and sitting down next to Steve.
    Howard walked in and closed the door. "Oh... Well, I've been meaning to talk to you about that, Rogers..." he said sitting on Peggy's bunk, which is across from Steve and I.
    "Please tell me that he isn't being shipped to London and leaving me all alone." I said with furrowed eyebrows.
    Howard shook his head. "No, as far as I know you are both still going to the same place." he said and we both let out a sigh of relief. "Anyway... Rogers, I want you to take care of my sister, alright? She is a pretty face and I need you to make sure that no man tries anything with her." Howard ordered.
    "Yes, sir." Steve said with a nod.
    "And make sure she doesn't get in too much trouble, she has a bit of a mouth on her and it usually causes a lot of problems." Howard said looking at me with a stern face.
    I rolled my eyes. "I can take care of myself, thank you very much." I said crossing my arms.
    "I know you can, but I need someone to look after you, and since Steve is now super I think that he is the perfect man for the job." Howard said with a smile.
    "I won't let you down," Steve said leaning forward and shaking Howard's hand.
    I rolled my eyes and smiled slightly. How is it that all three men in my life are such dorks? God... I miss Bucky.

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