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"Steve..." I said grabbing his shoulders to look at me. "Bend the bar, okay? Bend it and jump." I let him go and he instantly knew what I was saying, he was about to jump but turned to me.
"You go first, (Y/n)." he stated.
"I don't think I can jump that far, babe..."
"You have to try."
I shook my head lightly. "The world needs you more than me, big guy... You get Bucky outta here. I-I'll find some other way." I said looking away from him and around the burning area.
"I'm not leaving you," Steve said with a frown.
I cupped his face with my hands. "Steve, I'll be fine... I will get outta here and... I will make it back to you, but you gotta get them outta here. Get them back and make sure they're okay."
He looked at me with tears in his eyes. "(Y/n)... I... I can't."
I pulled him in to a kiss, his hands gripping my hips tightly, my hands holding his face gently.
"When did this happen?" Bucky asked.
I pulled away from him, tears in my eyes. "Now go, get them to safety." I said pushing him towards the bent railing.
"(Y/n)... I lo-"
"I know... You too." I said with a sad smile.
"Get outta here fast, doll... I'll be waiting." he said running and jumping onto the bar, sending him springboarding to the other side of the gap next to Bucky. "Don't make me track you down."
"Just go." I said with a chuckle. Bucky looked from Steve to me with wide eyes as Steve dragged him away and out of the building.
Okay... Now to find a way out...
"Steve we can't just leave her there! We have to go back!" Bucky said trying to fight Steve's grip, but was too weak.
"You heard her Buck! But she's gonna get outta there... I know it." Steve said when the exited the building and met up with the rest of the soldiers.
"Where's the lady?" Jones asked. Steve walked past him with Bucky's arm draped over his shoulder.
"She's still in there, but she's gonna find a way out." Steve answered as he walked toward a truck with Bucky. "Now, c'mon. Let's go."
"We aren't gonna wait?" Dugan asked looking back toward the building with a concerned look. "If we wait-"
"I said let's go." Steve said putting Bucky in the passenger seat of a truck and starting it. He glanced back toward the building.
You better be right about this, (Y/n).
I ran back the way Steve, Bucky and I came and looked around the corridor. The entire place was about to explode and it was all up in flames.
"Fuck..." I looked around and ran a hand through my hair. "Okay..." I looked down the corridor and saw a window. "Well... It beats having to jump across a fiery chasm."
I ran down the corridor, flames burning my clothes slightly. I reached the window and tried to open it, but if wouldn't budge.
"Fuck my life!" I growled, resting my hand against my forehead. I looked back at the window and began to punch it. "C'mon super strength! Don't fail me now!" I punched the window two more times after that and it busted, shards of glass going everywhere.
I looked back down the corridor and only saw flames, I turned back to the window, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. I stepped back a bit and ran toward it and jumped out just as the building exploded. The blast of the explosion sending me flying even further.
I landed on the ground hard, a pain in my hand and torso. I stood up slowly, breathing heavily, and looked down at my body. There was a gash on my torso, the hand I used to break the window was bloody with glass shards in it, and I had a cut above my eye from the landing, blood flowing out of it.
I looked at the building and let out a sigh of relief, I was out... I'm alive... Now I just have to make it back to London to get to Steve, Howard and Bucky.
I looked around and saw a truck, I smiled slightly. "Looks like lady luck is on my side."

In the Army camp Phillips is dictating a letter to a Corporal.

"Senator Brandt, I regret to report that Captain Steven G. Rogers and Agent (Y/n) (m/I) Stark went missing behind enemy lines on the third. Aerial reconnaissance has proven unfruitful. As a result, I must declare Captain Rogers and Agent Stark killed in action. Period." Colonel Phillips said for the corporal to write down.
"The last surveillance flight is back. No sign of activity." Peggy said with a frown.
"Go get a cup of coffee, Corporal." Colonel Phillips ordered and the corporal left.
"I can't touch Stark. He's rich and he's the Army's number one weapons contractor. You are neither one." Colonel Phillips said looking at Peggy.
"With respect, sir, I don't regret my actions. And I don't think Captain Rogers, or Agent Stark, did either." Peggy defended.
"What makes you think I give a damn about your opinions. I took a chance with you, Agent Carter. And now America's golden boy, Agent Stark, and a lot of other good men are dead, cause you had a crush." Colonel Phillips sneered.
Peggy looked at her superior and furrowed her eyebrows. "It wasn't that. I had faith."
"Well, I hope that's a big comfort to you when they shut this division down." Colonel Phillips stated looking down at her.
Just then soldiers started running by and talking excitedly as they made their way through the camp.
"What the hell's going on out there?" Colonel Phillips asked as he and Peggy followed the crowd to the edge of the camp.
Steve walked with the rest of the soldiers, his helmet still on his head, a frown on his face, his eyes screaming with sadness.
"Look who it is!" someone exclaimed as everyone cheered.
Steve walked up to Colonel Phillips and saluted him. "Some of these men need medical attention." he stated. "I'd like to surrender myself for disciplinary action."
"That won't be necessary." Colonel Phillips said looking up at him.
"Yes, sir." Steve said.
"Where's Agent Stark?" Colonel Phillips asked looking behind Steve and not seeing the (h/c) haired agent.
Steve swallowed the lump in his throat and looked down at the ground. "She should be here in no time sir." he looked back up at the Colonel.
"You better hope so, Rogers... Or Stark'll have your head." he said walking away from Steve.
"You're late." Peggy said looking up at Steve.
He looked down at the ground then back up at Peggy. "Well..." he said holding up the broken transponder, "I couldn't call my ride."
"Hey!" Bucky shouted looking at the rest of the men. "Let's hear it for Captain America." everyone started cheering and Bucky looked at Steve and shrugged a small smile on his face.
Steve stood outside the lab that Peggy said Howard was in. Bucky had volunteered to come with him to break the news to Howard but Steve declined. He had to do this by himself.
He walked in and saw Howard tinkering with something. He cleared his throat, catching the attention of the brunette.
"Oh, you're back." he said setting the object down and walking over to Steve. "How did it go?"
"We saved all the men. And found Bucky." Steve said looking down at him.
"That's great!" Howard said with a smile. "Where's (Y/n)?" Howard asked walking back to his work station. "I got what she had asked for so she could build this thing she was talking about, so I need to give it to her."
Steve looked down at the ground. "She should be here soon."
"What do you mean? Didn't she come here with you guys?" Howard asked.
Howard turned around. "What do you mean 'no'?"
"She told me to get the men safe and that she would make it out of the building before it exploded." Steve explained. "I didn't want to leave her behind-"
"But you did!" Howard yelled, causing Steve to flinch slightly. "You promised me you would keep her safe, you gave me your word! And you left her in a building that was about to explode?! Tell me Rogers does that seem like a heroic thing to do?!" Howard yelled as he kicked over a chair in anger.
Steve swallowed the lump in his throat. "I never asked to be a hero, I only wanted to be a soldier. And I did it because no matter how much I pleaded with her she told me she couldn't do it!" Steve yelled, now it was Howard's turn to flinch. "You don't understand how much it killed me to leave her! How much I hate myself for leaving her to get out by herself! How much I-" Steve looked down at the ground, he couldn't tell Howard that he loved his sister, he didn't know if (Y/n) wanted anyone to know yet.
"I believe in her Howard... I believe that she will come back, and it will be soon." and with that Steve left.
Howard stood in the lab with tears in his eyes. He didn't know what he would do if (Y/n) was gone... He was worried for his sister, angry with himself that he let her go, and furious with Steve for leaving her behind. He slumped down in a chair and put his head in his hands and began to cry softly.
"Please make it back safe, (Y/n)... Just be safe."
Senator Brandt was somewhere in America, standing in front of a small crowd and talking to them. "I am honoured to present this medal for valour to my personal friend, Captain America!" He said with a smile and turning around but no one was there. "Captain America!" still nothing. "Captain, that's your cue!"
Just then his aide came out and whispered something to him.
"I thought he'd be taller." an older war general said from in the crowd, misunderstanding the aide to be Captain America.

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