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Scorpion heard someone walk in from behind and turned around, seeing a girl.

I was in complete utter shock. 'No, no, no, h-how can this happen?' I questioned myself still in shock. "Who are you? Where am I?" Scorpion asked me. I stayed silent in utter shock. "I will not ask again." Scorpion threatened while he grabbed his kunai from the arm garment of his wrist.

I answered quickly, saving my own life, "My name is Tiana. Y-you're in my apartment." I stuttered. 'Why am I stuttering...maybe it's because THE Scorpion is in my house! I would've passed out right then and there!' Scorpion takes in the knowledge and dismissed his kunai while staring at me, watching my every move.

"H-how?" I asked myself, motioning towards him. He remained cautious, but questions my actions, "What are you doing?", "Oh uh, I was just wondering about how you can be real?" I responded. "What do you mean?" confused himself, he also wants to know. "Umm stay here..." Scorpion nods.

I quietly walked out my room to the living room where my brother sleeps and grabbed the Mortal Kombat X case. I brought it back to the room while closing the door. I showed the case to Scorpion. He takes it politely then examines. I paced the room and looked at the time, 1:45 A.M. 'Dang time flies.' "Uh I need to go to bed...Um Scorpion, would you mind hiding until I don't know maybe 7 A.M." I asked Scorpion out of the ordinary while getting in bed. But at least he nods in understanding. "Ok, I'll explain everything....in the meantime." I whispered the last part and slept.

*Scorpion's POV*

After Tiana slept, I decided to meditate in the middle of her room. Gathering all of my thoughts of what occurred just a few minutes ago, I still don't know how I got here in this world. 'How does she know my name?' I thought to himself. Without having a doubt, Tiana must have the answers to my questions. Throughout the night, I meditated.

*End of POV*

*7 A.M. Thursday*

My alarm goes off as usual. I woke up, "5 more minutes" I yawned while setting the phone on snooze. However, I woke up again due to the room getting hotter not even in 5 minutes, but in seconds. "Ugh why is it so hot in here...?" Scorpion comes out of now where with fire around him right in front of me. I screamed loudly. "OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS ME! DON'T DO THAT!" I land a hand over my pounding heart. "I apologize, but I seek answers!" Scorpion demands. I got out of bed lazily and headed for the shower ignoring Scorpion politely. He doesn't know I have school.

After getting out the shower and drying off, I aimed for my room. I really do hope Scorpion is not in there. Unfortunately, he is. "Scorpion can you please leave my room, I have to change." I asked kindly to not get myself killed. He nods and leaves to explore the apartment.

*7:32 A.M.*

"OH COME ON!!!" I yelled. Clearly Scorpion heard me and walked to my room, knocking on the door. "Yes! Don't come in!" I yelled from the other side. However, I cracked the door a little bit then muttered "Yes..." Scorpion couldn't think of what to say at first but he has it now. "Is there something wrong?" Scorpion questioned me. My eyes grew wide before looking at the time. '7:37, I need to get going like right now Tiana. MOVEEEE!!!' I technically screamed at myself. I shut the door right in his face. 'Bad move Tiana, way-to-go.' I packed my school possessions together in my book bag. I then opened the door with a school bag on my back. It may look heavy but it's actually not.

Scorpion was totally confused and asked where I was going. "Sorry Scorpion I have school Monday through Friday. I get out at 3:10 and get home at 3:35. So for right now I need you to go into hiding exactly at 2:30, that's the time my brother gets home okay." Before leaving I told him that I'll explain a couple of things when I get home. I said bye then left, catching the bus on time.

*At school*

"Guys, do you know where Tiana is. I don't know if her bus got here early or it's just late as usual." Nely asked the group. They don't know, but I showed up in the meantime. "TIANA WHERE WERE YOU CHILD!" Elise yelled for everyone to hear which is embarrassing. "Uh, I had a rough morning so yeah and the bus picked us up late too..." All of the things which I basically was saying is true except the fact of not telling them a 'certain' someone came to reality...in my home. Once the bell rings, everyone made their way to class. I wondered how Scorpion was doing at home while speed walking to the end of the hallway to get to Mrs. Boyle's class. 'I hope he doesn't set things on fire but anyway I have other things to do for now.'

Till Death Do Us Apart: Part 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ