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*Scorpion's POV*

Walking around the small apartment, I couldn't bare but be curious. As I was exploring the place, I stumbled upon some picture frames hanging on the wall. 'This must be her family' I thought. Not wasting any time, I meditate in Tiana's room until 2:30.

The time as I recalled to hide from her brother. Somehow, it's difficult for me to concentrate especially when this place is not as quiet as the world I was in previously. 'I will be patience for her return.' I continued to mediate.

*End of POV*

*At school: lunch*

Constantly thinking about how I could keep Scorpion out of trouble, I came up with a plan. 'I hope this works. If not then I'm screwed.' I didn't realized that Zahirah was screaming my name. "Tiana!! Hello anyone there!" I shake my head before looking at Zahirah. "Yes Zahirah..." "You okay minion?" Zahirah asked while getting up from her seat and walks around the huge table and hugs me.

I mumbled something, "You're....squeezing me...t-to... death! I can't...b-breathe!" "Oh sorry." Zahirah lets go of me while chuckling. I had a moment to catch my breath. "Jeez Zahirah, you trying to kill the poor child." exclaims Elise. "Now you know that I don't want to hurt the minions. They are just too cute and adorable." Zahirah had always complimented me and Nely. The bell rang and everyone left. I said bye to the others, then we separate our ways.

*In Math Class*

Arriving early before Mario, I had the time to take out my laptop and text my best friends on Google Hangouts. "Man, how you get here quick?" Mario of course had to ask even though he already knows the answer. "Because I'm short and short people walk fast." I then shut my laptop and continued the assignment that was written on the board. 'So, if f(x) = 5x + 10, and g(x) = 2x + 3, I must create a table then graph the two functions.'

Focused on the math, time flies by. "Alright turn in your worksheet on the front desk. If you did not work on it you have a zero for today." The math teacher, Mrs. Hartpence exclaimed. I turned in the assignment and looked at Mario. "You didn't do the assignment." "Ha, nope, too much work for me." Mario responded. "You're going to get a zero, which can drop and I mean literally drop your grade. Besides it wasn't even that hard if you payed attention, but you fall asleep every time." Mario gives her the 'I know I fall asleep but at least I know what I'm doing at times' look. After the same process of the announcements coming on then the bell ringing, everyone leaves. However, I'm in immediate hurry like the flash. 'Please tell me that everything is fine at home...'

*Scorpion's POV*

Mediating for a couple hours can be pleasing. I checked the time '3:35' I've been hiding ever since her brother came home. Hearing the door unlock and open, two voices were heard. "Hi Mikey" "Hey Tiana". Right before I could act the door swung open then shuts behind the person. Tiana whispers, "Scorpion..." I emerge from my hiding spot. "Greetings" I greeted Tiana. She was shocked but I wondered why.

*End of POV*

I was shocked by his response even though I don't know why. 'Ugh stay focus Tiana and stop staring at him. I mean seriously stop staring and being weird in front Scorpion.' I shook my head slightly before walking over to my bed and sitting down. My mind is so out of state right now. "Are you alright?" Scorpion's voice brought Tiana back to reality. "Y-yeah, how did get here? What do you remember last time before coming here?" I asked. "Shut up Tiana, you're asking way too many questions. Wait am I?" Thinking out loud was not part of my plan. I literally just embarrassed myself...that's at least what I thought. "The last time I remember was being in a battle with one of Quan Chi's revenants. I still don't know how I got here, but I believe that Quan Chi's portal brought me to your world." Scorpion explained in great details to me, not bothering my weirdness. But sadly I was barely listening to his words.

Till Death Do Us Apart: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now