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*Scorpion's POV*

Finding one of Quan Chi's assassins is quite strange even after the incident. Killing him, I teleported back in the apartment. 'Something's not right...it's too quiet.' Checking my surroundings, the mother, and son are safe. I hear noises coming from...'Tiana!' Busting through the door, all I could image in the darkness was Tiana. Walking over to her body, I check for a pulse. 'She's breathing. Who could have done this?' Scorpion sensed someone still in this room.

"Thought you could get away. Why don't you show yourself assassin." I spoke in anger. He emerges from the shadows with a kitana in hand. I moved Tiana to her bed setting her down, and brought out my kunai. "You will pay for what you've done!" "Quan Chi will have the girl." The assassin responded. Suddenly Tiana wakes up. "Ow my head." She tried to sit up but before she could...the assassin was quick enough to have his sword on her neck.

"Release her assassin!" I demanded. I saw the fear in her eyes. The fear which consumes you of death. "S-scorpion, please help..." a tear ran from those pretty eyes. 'I have to think of way to free her.' Moving towards Tiana, the assassin pushes the kitana a little harder into her neck yet there was no blood. "Come any closer and she dies." He threatened. "How would you return to Quan Chi without your target?" I said it loud and clear.

With my kunai in my hand, I chained the weapon around his neck, and pulled him away from Tiana. "GET OVER HERE!" Taking a quick glance at Tiana, she was shocked like she was frozen in time. Turning my attention towards the one who was sent to kidnap Tiana, he draws his kitana. Let the battle begin.

*End of POV*

*Tiana's POV*

Throwing as many attacks as the two ninjas battled. It turns out in the end that Scorpion won but doesn't kill the assassin. Instead he leaves a message. "I have a message for Quan Chi and you will deliver it. Tell him that he will not use Tiana in your sorcerous plans. He will have to kill me first to get to her." The assassin nods and a portal opened, then he enters it.

Once the portal closes, Scorpion checked on Tiana. Her room was still dark. Stopping in his tracks, Scorpion counter blocked the object I tried to hit him with. "Scorpion?" When realizing that it was Scorpion, I removed the gold trophy away from him.

"I thought-""It's alright Tiana their gone. Quan Chi is after you though I don't know why but what I do know is that he will use you for his plans." Scorpion told me the somewhat bad news. I slowly walked towards my bed with my back turned towards him. Scorpion put a hand on my shoulder once again. "I promise you Tiana, Quan Chi will not get through me to take you away from your family." He promised.

Tiana turned around and hugged Scorpion. He hugs me back tightly as if he was trying to not let me go. "Thank you..." "Your welcome, we must inform your mother in the morning. You cannot leave this place without endangering others you are close to." He kept it clear as day. I nodded. I hopped in bed, falling into deep slumber. Scorpion watches over me like a guardian angel.

*Next Morning 6:15*

Staying up all night was no big deal for assassins who trained for many years. At around 6:15, Scorpion leaves to find the mother. He knocks on her door. "Wait a minute" she answered. After a minute, the mother opened the door, getting ready to wake Mikey up in a few minutes. Scorpion needs some of her time to take out. "We must talk its important." Mom looked confused but lets him through.

Closing the door behind him, he continues. "Last night there was an attack, two assassins were sent by Quan Chi to take your daughter. I don't know why but I suggest that you keep her here until further notice." Mom was shocked, worried, and all types of emotions that she couldn't speak. She ran towards Tiana's room, slightly yet silently opening the door...checking up on her.

*Scorpion's POV*

I saw her dash to Tiana's room quickly. I know she's worried, but I'm afraid that Quan Chi will send more to get what he wants. I can't allow him to have Tiana. There's too much I want to learn about her and become bonded.

'Focus Scorpion, do not allow your emotions to get the best of you. But there's something deep within...I don't know what it is, not yet.' The mother walks out waking up Mikey letting him know that he will be skipping the last day of school for fall break.

She motioned towards her room, grabbing a bag and keys, leaving for work. "Scorpion if anything happens or if they come back, call me ok. Both Mikey and Tiana know my phone number." I completely stood clear and bowed. "I will notify you." She leaves.

Checking the time, it is 6:55. Quietly entering Tiana's room, she was still sleep. I carefully sat on the bed next to her legs. Taking a hand, I rest it on her exposed cheek. 'She's cold.' Before lighting my hand on fire, she wakes up. Tiana stares at me for few seconds. "Ugh good morning..." She says while yawning. I smirked beneath my mask at her cuteness. Tiana asked me, "Did you tell my mom?" I nodded. "I told her that she should keep you and your brother here with me. It's not safe for you to be out in the open." Tiana agrees.

*Few mins later*

Still in the morning, I constantly sat in silence while Tiana was in the shower. I didn't know why, but I couldn't get Tiana off my mind. 'I think I'm falling for her. I have to meditate.' Another few minutes passed of meditating, I groaned in frustration. A knock was heard on the door, I looked and saw her. "You ok?" she asked. Quickly, I turn away, not responding. Tiana walked closer. Soon enough I felt a hand on my forearm. Slowly turning my head, I realized how close she was. Tiana noticed as well. Her cheeks turned pink, then breaks the eye contact. "Sorry, I...I..." "It's alright." I could tell that she was shy, embarrassed, and nervous.

Tense filled the air. No one spoke. It was just complete silence. Surprisingly, Tiana broke it, "Hehe...I'll just leave." Before Tiana could leave, I grabbed her arm. She stopped in her tracks. Shocked, she looked back. I pulled her down, seating her next to me. "Stay...with me." Those were the only words that came out my mouth. Tiana's eyes wide, then nervously smiled. "Ok! So what do you want to talk about?" I thought of some subjects. "Tell me about yourself." Seriously, I wanted to know.

Tiana seemed lost for words, but began to speak. "Well, I'm 14. My birthday is May 13, 2003. My favorite color is pink, but now I love all colors. I love animals, playing video games, drawing, reading, math, listening to music and other stuff. I want to be a veterinarian when I get older. Cause who doesn't like working with animals. I'm nice, weird, sometimes mean...I have a lot of personalities. Now that I told you about me, how you about you tell me about yourself." I hesitated to tell her about my life. I turned my head towards the front of the room.

Tiana's smiled disappeared after she saw my reaction. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that. You don't have to tell me about your past." Tiana whispered loudly. That response pained me to hear her say that. However, I didn't want to expose the terrible past. In return, I spoke truthfully. "It's ok Tiana, there was no need of you to apologize." Tiana smiled a bit as if she was trying to hide it from me. Guess I was wrong. "I will tell you about my background story."

*End of POV*

After Scorpion spoke about his personal life to me. I felt guilt beneath the shame. I opened my mouth, but nothing didn't come out. He told me its okay, you don't have to be brought down because of me. Then Scorpion thought to himself, 'Maybe this bond can grow greatly between us. I hope it never ends.'

Till Death Do Us Apart: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now