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*Mortal Kombat World: Nether Realm*

"AH, PUT ME DOWN!" I did my best to struggle out of the warrior's grasp. The more she struggled, the tighter the grips became. "Ugh I've had enough of this." I didn't see it coming. That punch was too much to stay awake. I became unconscious.

Quan Chi arrived at his palace by a demon like horse due to the portal being too far out.

"Take the girl to the cell." Quan Chi ordered the two assassins. They nodded and took her to the cell...in the one place nobody wants to be. Without a care in the world, they throw Tiana in and left.

*4 hours later*

I awaken. "Ugh where am I? Oww my head hurts so much." I got up, examining the place. 'It's so dark, cold....I have to find a way out of here.' I began searching for anything that could break open the bars, but turns out to be nothing. Nothing, but human bones and a chain attached to cracked wall. The bones is what caught my attention the most. Fear wills up in me. Seeing that chain and human bones could only make this situation worse. I ran up to the bars once again screaming for help. "HELP! ANYONE CAN HEAR ME!" I screamed for what felt like hours until my throat started to hurt of dryness. Walking backwards until my back hits the wall, I slowly sat down. Knees forced up to my chest. Whispers were heard among this scary place. "Scorpion....please come help me...." Cries of fear could be silenced. Being in a scary position like this is not what I had on my mind. Let's just hope there's enough time left.

*Scorpion's POV*

"Scorpion wake up!" "Is he dead?" "No, he's still breathing." "We should try shaking him." "Mikey we tried that already...." Distance voices was the only thing I heard. Slowly opening my eyes, I saw the mother and the son. "Oh good you're awake." The mother helped me sit up. "Ugh! How long...was I out?" I spoke looking at both of them. "12 hours...right now it's 5 o'clock in the morning." I nodded. "Scorpion what happened to my daughter?" The mother changed the subject. I sighed deeply in guilt. "It was my fault. They took her...I-""YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT MY DAUGHTER! YET YOU LET THEM TAKE HER AWAY! TO A PLACE WHERE SHE WILL DIE IN VAIN!" The mother was furious and was the slap Scorpion. However, she knew if she did, things would get ugly. Even though it already has. Instead, the mom just stomped off into her room, slamming the door. All you could ever hear were cries.

'I broke my promise Tiana...I let them take you. Whatever Quan Chi is doing to you, I will kill him by any means necessary...To get you back where you belong.' I was interrupted in my thoughts. "So what are we going to do?" Mikey questioned in worry. "Perhaps, we may be able to find a portal nearby." Before Scorpion could any further, the mom came out of her hiding place. Red puffy eyes were shown. "How do we find this 'portal'?" she asked.

*6 A.M.*

Searching the apartment to find something unusual. Unfortunately, there's nothing. "How did they even get in here in the first place? This is ridiculous!" The mom complained. I kept searching everywhere, but still ended up in the same result. "Maybe the portal doesn't appear here. Where is one place that....Is there a woods nearby?" I asked in curiosity. 'It's our only hope.' Both mother and son looked at each other and back at me then nodded. "We must go to the woods. There it maybe a portal. I will teleport us there." Only two expressions were shown. Excitement from the son and fear from the mother. "Do not worry, you won't be burned alive." Soon enough the mom calmed down a bit. After that, I teleported us to a nearby woods.

*In the woods*

A small piece of the ground began to set fire. Appeared three people. "It's dark mommy..." Mikey spoke in fear while looking around. I lighted my hand on fire. "This should be enough to see through here." We walked searching for a portal until we found it. "There!" Mikey was the only one who spotted the sorcery. "Great job Mikey!" Mom answered proudly.

Taking a step forward, I examined it. "Is this the right one or do we have to keep searching?" Mom asked. I responded easily, "No, this is it. Going through here the only way to get to Nether Realm." Turning around so that way I could face the two before responding. "You both will stay here until I come back with Tiana. That I promise....it won't be broken...no... not like the last time." I whispered the last few parts to make sure they didn't hear me. "Mikey can you give us a minute." Mom looked at him giving the signal. Mikey nodded and walked not too far where they can't see him.

"Scorpion, you better bring my daughter back. If she dies, her blood is on your hands...and I won't ever forgive you." Mom spoke the truth coldly. I nodded. She walked away without another word. I turned back around facing an opened portal. I walked through. Here lies Nether Realm...the place where I was reborn. 'Hang in there Tiana.'

*End of POV*

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