Chapter 7

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Hello again everyone! I was hard pressed to get this chapter up but it's up! I'm not going to say much so you can all get to your reading. I can't wait to upload the battle with Durza. Happy reading! Eragon=CP. R&R!

They sat in silence, taking time to contemplate Ajihad's suggestion. Eragon felt sorry for the man. Executing the Twins was not as much of a test as he believed it to be. While it would prove his loyalty in a firm manner, morally it would not bother him in the least. He had always hated the Twins and their demeaning messages that were sent to him. Killing the Twins would almost be like stepping on an ant. It did not matter to him. Eragon, since we're here, we might as well take the opportunity to inform Ajihad about the Urgals' plans.

Yes, you are right. He nodded. How to broach the topic? Trying to devise an eloquent way to address the subject, Eragon soon gave up when he found that he could not. Instead, he decided to speak plainly. "Executing the Twins won't be an issue. Also, if you can spare the time," Eragon began, straightening in his armchair, "there is another matter I need to discuss with you."

Ajihad nodded, motioning for him to continue. "Durza is leading an army of Urgals to Farthen Dûr." Even for someone as cold and aloof as Eragon, he hated the way it came off his tongue. It was if he were discussing the weather. Shocked expressions spread across both Ajihad's and Arya's faces.

"They're going to attack Farthen Dûr?" Ajihad asked. He nodded. Did I stutter? Eragon thought, irritated.

"When?" asked Arya, her appearance by now calm.

Eragon shrugged. "Soon. Today, tomorrow, or maybe the day after. I don't know when, but I do know their course of action." I helped them devise it. He watched as Ajihad rang a small bell, and soon after a guard entered the room. Ajihad ordered him to bring Brom, Orik, Murtagh and someone by the name of Jörmundur.

"The Twins' execution will have to wait then." Ajihad said with a sigh. Eragon frowned. It seemed a foolish thing to do. If Durza burst in, he could free those two imbeciles and they could wreak havoc on the small army that the Varden possessed.

"I think the wiser plan would be to kill them before Durza arrives here and has the chance to free them." Eragon said. "I would rather not have two spellcasters running amok during the battle."

"Then it'll have to be a private execution," Ajihad murmured. His eyes returned to Eragon. "How large are their numbers?"

"Quite massive." Eragon smiled wolfishly. "Though when compared to the fact that you have two large dragons fighting on your side, such numbers are less threatening." Saphira hummed contently behind him. And imagine their confusion when they see you, Eragon. The human who earned their respect through Tarok's challenge of strength.

He nodded. Yes, another advantage to be had. The doors burst open again and in walked Brom, Murtagh, Orik and a man whom Eragon had yet to meet, who could be none other than Jörmundur. Ajihad introduced the two to one another. "Eragon, meet Jörmundur, my right-hand man in military matters."

He nodded and stood, kicking his armchair out behind him, as Arya did the same. They stood around the desk as Ajihad spread out a map of the Beor Mountains. "Something has happened then, Ajihad?" Jörmundur asked.

"We're going to be attacked, if," he glanced sharply at Eragon, "my sources are correct."

"The oath I gave would not allow me to lie, even if I tried to. Nor is my information inaccurate," he replied coldly. "If I may?" He gestured towards the map. Ajihad nodded, allowing him reign to explain their situation. He pointed to three different locations on the map. "They're going to attack Tronjheim in three separate areas within Farthen Dûr. They are traveling from Orthíad. Galbatorix has renamed the city Ithro Zhada, in an attempt to deceive you, in case you learned of his plans," he continued; ignoring the murmured curses. Only Ajihad and Arya remained silent. "I'm unsure if Durza will be leading the attack directly, but their main goal is the capture of Tronjheim. Because if they seize that—"

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