7. All Time High

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Wonderful Wednesday!

Wednesday is an annoying day for me. I have accomplished two out of the five dreaded days of the week, but there are three more to go. That's more than I've done, and what I've completed already has felt like forever. I hate you, Wednesday. There's probably a dimension where I love Wednesdays. I hate you, Wednesday-loving Ava. But I wasn't too mad at this Wednesday, you could say that this Wednesday was almost tolerable. And you know exactly the reason why. Lucas Robert Hemmings, the awkward, tall boy of my dreams was joining me in my chambers again this afternoon.

"I can tell you're excited, I'm guessing it went well?" Michael asked me. We were sitting in our usual place in the lunch room again, the two little shadows people seem to have trouble noticing.

"Very excited. Last night was amazing. Like before, he was just a regular school-girl crush. Admire from afar," I began. "But I feel like I know him now. He's basically me!" I said and Michael nodded. "What did you talk about?" He asked and I smiled. "Life," He pouted pouted. "That's our thing!" He laughed and I rolled my eyes.

He opened his mouth to say something else when Ashton and Calum invaded our space. "Woah, this is our special haven," Michael said as they took a seat. "We'd like to sit with you two today," said Ashton. "You're not even going to ask?" I laughed. "Nope!" They said in unison. Ashton then proceeded to brag to us about how all he had to do at Amanda's yesterday was colour some chromosomes as she completed the whole assignment in under three hours, "she's an angel." Whereas, Michael and Calum hadn't even started on theirs.

I'd completely drifted out of the conversation to stare at Luke across the room, who had his arm wrapped tightly around Rose's waist. I'm not going to lie, they did seem happy together. He laughed when she'd say a joke and moved stray hairs from her face to behind her ears. I envied her. I was being forced to look through the green eyes of that terrible monster.

"Ava, stop fantasising about sex with Luke and answer my goddamn question," Calum laughed and I blushed furiously. "I wasn't," I mumbled. "What was the question?" I asked and Calum rolled his eyes. "I heard the devil targeted you at your locker, I'm surprised you're alive. What did she say?" He asked in curiosity. "She apologised for how she behaved in Biology and wanted to make sure she doesn't have to worry about me and Luke. She then proceeded to survey my attire and said ever so sweetly that I obviously wasn't trying to attract any guys," I said quickly and Ashton scoffed. "You were wearing that tank top! I find that very attractive," he said and I thanked him. "So does Luke," I mumbled and all three guys leaned in like gossiping girls. "What?" Michael asked. "Okay maybe not, he just said he liked it," I blushed and they leaned back. "But guess what," I teased and they leaned back in. "He's giving me his All Time Low shirt, as you," I pointed at Michael, "so graciously destroyed mine," I pouted. He looked at me quizzically. "His ATL shirt? That's his favourite shirt..." He said and I shrugged. "He said it didn't fit him anymore," I told him and he shook his head. "No, he wears it all the time, tell me if it's the one with a picture and yellow print," he ordered and I nodded. I looked back to Luke and Rose sitting with their friends and saw her trying to feed him some chips. The guys followed my gaze, "ew."

The bell rang and we all stood up. "Yay, Maths," I said and they all groaned. We all walked past Luke and Rose and I gave Luke a small wave. And as he always does before he makes any form of human interaction with a female, he looked to Rose to make sure she wasn't looking, and he waved back with a small smile.


There Luke was again, but it was as if my visions of the moments before Rose scared the hell out of me at my locker escaped my mind and wove themselves into reality. Luke was lying on my bed, giving himself a 'reward nap' for finally finishing the assignment with me. He was hugging tightly onto my favourite teddy bear. "So soft," he mumbled and I giggled. "Yeah, she's very soft," I agreed and he smirked. "But not your bed. Your bed may be the worst bed created in human history," he said, bouncing on it slightly, causing it to whine out in pain. "I know, it's terrible. But I'm used to it." He then jumped up quickly. "Can't believe I almost forgot!" He said, reaching into his school bag and rummaging through the bottom. "Here," he pulled out a black shirt and I took it from him. Sure enough, it had a picture of the band with the text written in yellow print. "Do you like it?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck. I nodded, "I love it more than the one Michael ruined," I laughed and Luke smiled wide. This time the corner of his eyes crinkled. He blushed and looked down before he opened his mouth to speak, "try it on?" He asked. "I will," I said, folding it nicely. "I mean now," he mumbled and my stomach was doing its gymnastics routine again. "Uhm," I looked around nervously and he bit his lip ring. "I won't look," he said, covering his eyes with his hands and scrunching his mouth adorably.

I turned around and had to normalise my breathing because - Oh my god, I'm taking my shirt off with Luke Hemmings in the room. I looked back quickly and saw that his eyes were still covered. I quickly slipped on the shirt and looked in the mirror. It was almost down to my knees and the neckline drooped lower than what I was used to. I laughed and he opened his eyes. His eyes scanned my body and he smiled, "that's freaking adorable," he mumbled and I turned around. "It suits you," he said, walking up to me. He looked up and swallowed before he seemed to make a decision in his head. "I better get going," he said nodding, turning around and gathering his belongings. "Oh," I was disappointed. "I'll see you at school, then," I mumbled and he looked up and smiled. "Definitely, bye," he put his backpack on and I led him out the door. As soon as the door shut my mum and dad sighed. "Is the assignment done?" She asked and I nodded.

I could tell they were ecstatic. "What are you wearing?" My dad asked and I froze. "U-uhm, a shirt Michael gave me," I lied and he nodded. I ran upstairs and hid in the comfort and security of the blankets on my terribly uncomfortable bed.

I slept in that shirt that night.

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