The Journals

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WillCipher123 dares: Will bro, buddy I'm sorry but.... I dare you to hide all the journals with the help of your brother and not to all of the gleefuls where you hid it along with Bill not telling them.(if they hurt you get help from Bill and he has to help or else)


Bill:*sighs and rolls eyes* calm down they said I had to protect you

Will:*shaking in fear* o-ok

~after Bill and Will hide the journals~

Will:n-now we're done?

Bill:yah I guess

~a few moments later~

Rev. Dip: *from other room*AY WILL!!!

Will:C-COMING *runs into other room* wh-what is it M-Master?

Rev. Dip: um have you seen my journal? I thought I left it on the table here...

Will:*starts feeling guilty and gets nervous* uh uh uh

Rev. Dip: what *narrows eyes* did you do something to it?!

Will:*nervous* wh-what I would n-never Master

Rev. Dip: good cause you know the punishment for that


~mean while~

Bill:*pops into his dimension*


Bill:geez Pinetree no need to yell


Bill:calm down I was with Will know I worry when you're gone

Bill:awww you love me

Dipper:*blushes* WH-WHAT N-N-NO

Bill:*grabs a Pitt Soda* Ok this is what I came for. I'm gonna go back now *pops up a portal*

Dipper:I'm coming too

Bill: ugh fine! C'mon *walks through portal with Dipper*

Rev. Dip: *sees the two pop up* oi he's here?!

Bill:yep so deal with it *takes a sip of soda*

Dipper:*taps Bill's shoulder* so why are we here again?

Bill:for Will

Will:*smiles and waves to Dipper*

Rev. Dip: hay Will meet me in the kitchen *walks to kitchen*

Will:y-yes sir *follows*

Bill:*sits on couch* well this'll be interesting

Dipper:*sits by Bill* ok?

~in the kitchen~

Rev.Dip: why is your brother here?!

Will:th-the dare *covers mouth*

Rev.Dip: what dare?

Will:*shakes head*

Rev.Dip: tell me! NOW!!!

Will:*uncovers mouth* I-I can't

Rev.Dip: and why is that?

Will:I-it's part of the dare

Rev.Dip:*slaps Will*

Will:*starts crying* I-I'm s-s-sorry

Bill:*tackles Rev. Dip* DON'T HIT MY BROTHER BITCH *punches Rev.Dip in the face*


Bill: *turns and looks at Dipper* sorry Pinetree *turns back to Rev.Dip and punches him again*

Rev.Dip:*uses his magic to get Bill off of him and gets up* fine I'll find it myself *brushes himself off and walks away*

Will:*hugs Bill still crying* th-thank you brother!

Bill:*hugs back confused at the interaction* n-no problem Will

Dipper:AWWW! *takes picture* that's my new wall paper

Bill:DON'T YOU DARE *chases Dipper*

Dip:*runs away*

Will:well th-there ya have it....thanks f-f-for the dare and don't forget t-to ask....and d-dare too

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