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(A/N the video above is done by Dami Cosplay, it's one of my favorite cosplay channels (along with sfa ,Cross Connect Cosplay, MINIKA, and idiotsinwigs) so check them out! Anyways, ON WITH THE SHOW!!!)

CakieBoo_ asks: Sowwy Will.... Buuuuut, *smirks* I dare you to steal all of Mason's clothes and hide them in Mistresses room and frame her without getting caught. If you do get caught, settle with Bill til they cool off..... also... IM NOT SORRY, EMO KIDS WILL RULE THE WORLD!!!!!!!!! Also free cake Will🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍦

Will:*eats cake* yum~ also wh-why are you guys SOOO mean t-to me?! Oy! B-but I'll do it... *goes to Rev. Mabel* M-Mistress, wh-where's Master?

Rev.Mabel:in the shower why?

Will:n-no reason *walks to Rev.Dip's room* o-ok I can do this *uses magic to pop all of Rev.Dip's clothes to Rev.Mabel's room* ok d-done with that, n-now we wait *goes and stands in the hallway by his Master's room*

~10 minuets later~

Rev.Dip:*is looking all around his room for some clothes* WILL!!!

Will:*runs into the room ,where Rev is in only a towel, and blushes* y-yes?

Rev.Dip: where are my clothes

Will:umm I-I d-d-don't know...I s-saw Mistress in here a wh-while ago maybe ask h-her

Rev.Dip:*nods* MABEL!!! *storms out*

Rev.Mabel: yes brother dear? Geez get some clothes on!


Rev.Mabel: how should I know? How about we ask our LITERAL SLAVE!!!

Rev.Dip:I did and he said you were in my room! And Will would never lie to me! *mumbles next part* though he has been acting a little more out of line ever since I let him start that ask thing...

Rev.Mabel: even if I WAS in your room, witch I wasn't, why would I take your clothes?! They're tacky and ugly and SO not my style!

Rev.Dip: HAAAYYYY! And if you didn't steal them I guess you wouldn't mind me looking in your room quick?


Rev.Dip:FINE!!! *goes to Rev. Mabel's room where all his clothes are right in the middle of the floor* MABEL!!!!

Rev.Mabel:*sighs and pokes her head in* what is it now brother dear?

Rev.Dip:YOU LIE!!! *points to cloths*

Rev. Twins:*start fighting*

Will:well th-that was eventful! H-hope you liked th-this one! Thanks C-CakieBoo_ ! I'm gonna l-let then cool off! B-B-BYE!!!

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