Talk to Bill

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AwkwardPerson333 dared: "Will I have a dare for you(if you're not comfortable with doing it then don't do it). Talk with Bill about your problems.Its ok,you don't have to do it! *hugs Will,If Will is comfortable,with it"

Will:*accepts hug* o-ok. I usually t-talk to him in the d-dreamscape probably m-mean in p-p-person...*walks into living room where Reverse Dipper is* M-Master?

Rev.Dip:yes, William? *says without looking away from book*

Will:m-may I g-go out t-today?

Rev.Dip:no, you've been going out far too much. Mabel is getting upset, and I need you here to help prepare for our upcoming show.

Will:um...*coming up with excuse*...b-but we need more wine and w-we're l-low in food as well...?

Rev. Dip:hm...fine then! Go make a list and leave Mabel a note. *shoos Will off*

Will:*goes to make list* w-well that worked b-better then expected...

~time skip because your author is at school and is extremely lazy~

Will:*walks up to the door of the Mystery Shack but stops before knocking* hmm... *cracks open door and sneaks in* mwehehe~ *sneaks behind Bill and Dipper, who are snuggled in a blanket while watching a Christmas movie, then jumps over the back, tackling Bill off the couch* RAHHH!

Dipper:*girly scream*

Bill:AH! *punches Will and pushes him off out of reflex*

Will:owowowowowow! *holds bleeding nose*


Mabel:*walks in holding a first aid and making ambulance noises* Dr. Mabel is here~ *shoves toilet paper up Will's nose to stop blood and walks off to put up the stuff*

Will:*in a kind of nasally tone* thank y-you!

Dipper:*pauses movie and looks to Will kinda annoyed that he ruined snuggles time* so what did you need?

Will:I n-need to barrow B-Bill if you don't mind...

Dipper:*lets out an annoyed sigh* fine, go...

Will:*gets up and bows* thank you! *takes Bill's hand and dashes upstairs and makes a pillow fort for the problem gossip* did you need me for? Not to be rude but you interrupted quality couch cuddle time!

Will:*tosses dare to Bill and finishes father small fort*

Bill:*reads* ohhh...ok then...

W/B:*get into fort and start talking*

~after half an hour's worth of discussion~

Bill:ok just tell 'em how you feel. It doesn't matter how, just do it!

Will:*nods* hopefully they won't g-get mad...

W/B:*get out and walk back downstairs to find a sleeping Dipper*


Will:*whispering* I'm gonna g-go now, l-love you, bye! *teleports to store then back home*

Bill:*snuggles with the sleepy bean*

Will:ok th-thank you for the dare! Sorry it t-took me a while t-to do. W-we've has a lot of shows and s-stuff recently, but look! W-we're at the 20th episode! *pops a little confetti popper* so th-thanks again and don't forget to a-ask and dare me things, B-BYYYEEEE!!!

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