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bananas_r_life18 dares: "um..... I dare you to run, around yelling/singing the song "moo"" "Also nice work"

Will:thank you bananas_r_life18 ! B-but what's "Moo"? BILL!

Bill:*pops up* what now Will? You're getting really annoying.

Will:*is about to cry* I'm s-sorry. I j-just wanted to know what "M-Moo" was and you kn-know way more ab-bout humans the. I d-do...

Bill:*feels a bit bad now* it's fine but ya know, you could always just go search it online. I'm not your personal Google.

Will:o-oh....what's the Internet? *tilts head*

Bill:*sighs and pulls up the lyrics for Will* here *hands him phone*

Will:*reads over the lyrics* what?! Wh-what is this?!

Bill:what your singing *goes back to own dimension*

Will:o-ok? *starts walking around the manor and to the best of his ability sings the melody* MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO YEAH!


Will:y-yes Master.... 

Rev. Dip:god, you're not even singing the correct notes

Will:my ap-polagies..... welp I tried...s-sorry I couldn't for fill your dare....maybe next time....thank you for the d-dare and p-please leave more asks and d-dares! Byeee!

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