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Velvet_Rose334 dares: "I dare you to eat all the food in the manor : p"

Will:*mumble* I swear you guys w-want me d-dead.... *regular tone* ok, I'll d-do it! *smiles and walks to kitchen* d-do this sn-neakily~ *tiptoes to pantry and opens it and pulls out a box of blueberry pop tarts* my f-food! *smiles and starts eating them*

Rev.Mable:*out shopping*

Rev.Dip:*in study reading about how to get a better demon*

Will:*moves on to something else* why do we have so m-much food? This is going t-to take forever!

Rev. Mabel:*gets home* I'm home dwebs (is that how you spell that?) Will! Come hang my jacket!

Will:right away M-Mistress. *dashes over to help her and hangs the jacket*

Rev.Mabel: mm~ you smell like blueberries~

Will:th-thank you Mistress

Rev.Mabel:*looks Will dead in the eyes* so what did you eat?

Will:*gulps* n-n-nothing Mistress! I h-have no idea wh-what you're talking ab-bout!

Rev.Mabel:you're stuttering....that means you're lying.... *glares and takes a step towards Will*

Will:*takes a step back* I a-always stutter M-Mistress!

Rev.Mabel:wow...lying,running,talking back, and I bet my lunch isn't even ready! *spits at Will* you worthless demon, you're so dead~ *grabs Will's shirt collar and drags him to his 'room'*

Will:*shaking and crying*

~after the smol bean got beat (because I don't have the heart to write all that)~

Rev.Mabel:*storms out, leaving a bleeding blue boi on the floor*

Will:*holding wounds to best of ability* I-I'm sorry....


Will:*goans and winces as he stands* R-right away sir... *puts on new clothes but blood quickly dirties them* dang... *goes up and makes the tea then takes it to Dipper*

Rev.Dip:thank you Wi– *looked up to grab tea and saw the blood* WHO THE HELL DID THIS?!

Will:*surprised he cared and sat down tea* M-Mistress did s-s-sir

Rev.Dip:*storms off to go yell at Mabel and says something along the lines of "don't touch him, he's MY demon"*

Will:*walks back to kitchen* I g-guess I should complete that d-dare now... *eats all the food*
Nn~ my tummy hurts!

Rev.Dip:*walks in and hugs Will*

Will:*jumps back out of the hug, afraid it's a trap*

Rev.Dip:*sighs and walks off*

Will:ok? B-but thank you for your d-dare and p-please leave m-more asks and dares,  bye!

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