Get A Life

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WillCippher123 asks: Can I ask and dare... If ever I dare Will to slap Mason and tell him to 'Get a life' with confidence in your self  and tell me how do you feel about doing that... And sorry for everything that I have done this is the last bad thing I swear.


Rev.Dip:*walks into room Will is in* and why is that~

Will:*slaps Rev's face* G-GET A LIFE!

Rev.Dip: *puts hand where Will slapped and  looks mad and kinda proud* d-don't tell me what to do William! *storms off*

Will:w-well that was h-horrifying! *is shaking due to stress* also I f-forgive you I g-guess....., A-AS LONG AS TH-THIS IS THE L-L-LAST ONE!!! *notices his shakes* n-now if you all will excuse m-me I must calm m-myself...B-BYE ASK MORE STUFF P-PLEASE!!!

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