chapter one.

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It was cold

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It was cold. The floor below Namjoon was never at one moment still, and his stomach is rolling like waves he was on. Take the voyage his uncle said, it'll be inspiration for you! His uncle said. Now, Namjoon was holding the edge of the boat trying not to fall down as his stomach contents came up.

"What the hell" he moaned as his third sea sick spell in 24 hours came to an end.

Namjoon slumped down against the rail he was just leaning over until his butt hit the deck. He wrapped is arms around his now empty abdomen and sighed. What's worse than getting sick every few hours is the fact that this trip has done absolutely nothing for his motivation. He had artist block for the longest now, and it seemed as if his talent had disappeared.

"Wow son, that's like what? The second time you've gotten sick today?" His uncle observed

"Third" Namjoon wheezed out

"Ah...I'm sorry let's get you back home on land yea? My bad for thinking that this would help."

Namjoon looked up to see his uncle standing over him with his hand out stretched. After hauling him to his feet, his uncle guided him to a seat.

"Don't worry son. After I make a quick turnaround we'll be back to shore in about 30 minuets top."

"Thank god"

His uncle did as he said and headed back as fast as he could. The wind cooled Namjoon's sunburned face from the day, but it caused him to shiver since it was so chilly.  His uncle seemed to take notice therefore he picked up a blanket and wrapped it around his shaking nephew.

"Only 15 more minuets"

Namjoon sighed with relief and cuddled into the blanket. They were going to leave as soon as the sunset, but the uncle insisted to get a couple of catches in which was best to do at night. While Namjoon loved the visual of the the clear night sprinkled with stars, his stomach refused to stay calmed. The anchored boat swayed to the lively waves which nauseated Namjoon. However, now the boat races to reach the shore before his belly decides to flip for the forth time. Land was soon visible thanks to the lights Namjoon's city offered, and for the first time that day, he smiled.

The boat came to a stop at the docks and was anchored. As fast as he could, Namjoon with shaky legs hopped of with his uncle's assistance.

"You sure you don't need a ride home? I know you live on the beach but you seem a bit weak from the vomiting."

"No I'm fine thanks" Namjoon said while shaking his head.

His uncle gave him a warm smile and drove off after telling him to call if needed. Namjoon thought of how sweet the man was as he started his walk home. He lived only a couple hundred yards from the docks, but the walk was a bit uneasy. Why? It was night yes but Namjoon felt a pair of eyes on him. He was never the paranoid type so he wondered if someone was walking the beach too.

"Hello?" Namjoon called out

No answer.

Namjoon hummed to himself and went on. The ocean licking up against the sand and rocks was a sound he'd grown fond of. A shell twinkling in the moonlight caught his eyes and Namjoon got excited. He loved collecting them ,and this one seemed to be a whole sand dollar! What an amazing find and seemingly easy to reach. He wrapped the blanket around his neck like a cape while walking towards the rock the shell was perched on. Namjoon took extra caution when stepping on the slick boulder , for he was as clumsy as hell. He bent down to get it and ,to his pleasure, it was a full sand dollar. He smiled as he examined it in his hands however his joy would not last long. The feeling of being watched returned but this time it was accompanied with dread. Namjoon sucked in a nervous breath and mere seconds later a pair of cold and slimy hands latched to his ankles and down he went.

• t i m e s k i p •

Namjoon woke with his head throbbing. His vision blurred and spun. What happened? He reached up to feel the source of the pounding and pulled his hand back. Blood. His breathing hitched and his heart beat sped up in panic. Namjoon started to notice his surroundings which sharpened his anxiety. Even in his injured state, he realized he was in some sort of tide pool.

How did I end up here?

He was on the brink of crying, for the dock was nowhere in sight nor was his home.

"Hello?" He called out quietly.

His voice couldn't get above a whisper. Pain surged through his throat as if he had been screaming violently. Why though?

then his memory clicked.

Namjoon remembered standing on the rock as dread washed over him. Hands had grabbed his ankles and forcefully pulled down. He remembered screaming and screaming until he was silenced by his head impacting a rock. Did he get kidnapped? The same feeling of being watched hit him just as it had before he blacked out. His head shot up, and he frantically looked around. He didn't have to look far before he met cold chocolate brown eyes staring back at him.

The first thing that registered in Namjoon's brain is that he was beautiful. Soaked brown hair framed an angelic face with sharp features and full lips were obvious even in the moonlight. It was the male's exposed collar bone and chest that made his eyes go further down.

Oh god he's naked. I'm about to get ra-

Namjoon's train of thought wrecked when he got to the strangers waist. What he saw wasn't legs but something only drunk sailors and fishermen would describe. There below his waist were white opal scales leading into a tail. A fucking tail. Namjoon's eyes flicked back up to the creatures face. His mouth parted, but just before he could scream, the thing charged at him with an alarming speed. It clasped the same webbed hand that dragged him here over his mouth. The creatures eyes were burning, and Namjoon could feel his cool breath against his face it was so close.

Oh shit. Namjoon thought.

This is how I die.

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