-christmas special-

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•A/N This has nothing to do with the plot of the story, however I thought it would but cute to show what a Christmas between them would look like UwU

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•A/N This has nothing to do with the plot of the story, however I thought it would but cute to show what a Christmas between them would look like UwU. It's kinda short though :')

Namjoon, while holding a small present, had his smile waver as Jin stared between him and the box in utter confusion. The human sighed and sat the item down, which was wrapped ungracefully in pretty paper with tape stuck all over it. Jin followed his movements then looked back up at Namjoon with question. Namjoon had explained the 'holiday' to him but it was vague to him considering his kind has never experienced something like this.

"Well what are you waiting for? Open it!"

Namjoon broke him out of his thoughts as he once again glanced at the thing covered in crinkled paper. He slid off the couch to where it was in the floor and crouched next to it. Slowly he scraped, picked and tore off the snowflake patterned wrapping. He was greeted with a brown box and once again looked to the human. Namjoon peered down and gave him a dimpled smile of encouragement that urged him on. Jin fumbled with it, he'd seen humans open boxes before on the beach, so he was determined to do this by himself. It was kind of hard to open since he's never done it before, and due to his struggling, he didn't notice Joon squat next to him. Jin's brows were furrowed with frustration however upon opening it his expression softened. There at the bottom, was a toy stuffed fish. Jin put his hand down to touch it and almost gasped at the softness of it. He took it out and studied it in his hands while sitting back on his butt. Namjoon began talking which raised his eyes to his.

"I know this old lady across town that knits so I asked her to make a fish, you know, to remind you of the ocean when you're not there"

Jin blushed at the warm smile Namjoon gave. He continued to feel the softness of the gift in his arms as he started thinking. The merman realized he actually never had been given anything in his life until this day with Namjoon.

"Thank you.." He mumbled while holding the fish close to his body.

"Haha you're welcome Jin, Merry Christmas!"

He stood then bent down and placed a kiss on top of Jin's head. The merman blinked in shock and watched Namjoon disappear into the kitchen. He look down at the soft present.

Hmm He thought I think I like this Christmas thing.


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Chapter nine is in the works and will be out soon, I hope you enjoy this little extra. Merry Christmas!!🎁🎄

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2018 ⏰

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