chapter five.

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"Maaaaan this sucks ass" Jimin yawned rather loudly

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"Maaaaan this sucks ass" Jimin yawned rather loudly.

Namjoon tensed next to his friend and nervously glanced around only to meet death glares of other waiting patients.

"Jimin, shut your howling screamer people heard that" He whisper-yelled

Jimin only snorted and rolled his eyes at the remark. He's one of the most impatient people Namjoon has ever met in his life. They had been waiting a couple of hours now and the once heavy rain had settled into a steady drizzle. It was so dismal...but it would probably make a relaxing watercolor piece, Namjoon thought. He hoped that the doctor who call him soon, for his body was really starting to ache. Jimin shifted in the chair next to him and soon Namjoon felt a pressure on his shoulder. He looked over to see his friend's cheek squished against him and was trying to doze off.

"Hey cut it out people are going think we're dating or something."

"You think I give two shits? I'm tired and you make a nice pillow."

Namjoon scoffed at the foul language. He leaned back in the chair to get comfortable himself which caused Jimin to shift again.

"Stop moovvviinngg" Jimin whined

He let him get comfortable once more then turned his head to look out the window. Namjoon watched as gathered raindrops snaked down the glass. As he starred he couldn't help but feel that something wasn't right. Like the atmosphere is off slightly. Namjoon shook the perturbing feeling off and tried to sleep. Soon the room darkened and his eyes closed.

t i m e s k i p •

"Yo...dude...hay....wakey wakey sleeping beauty"

Namjoon groaned as he felt Jimin's small fingers poke his face.


"Kim Namjoon? The doctor is ready for you" a woman's voice called out"

Namjoon's eyes flew open and he staggered to his feet with his friend's help. He eased towards the young nurse giving a kind smile. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jimin make some flirty gesture and the nurse's face reddened a bit with a giggle. Namjoon elbowed his side and gave him the look that said 'don't even start.'

"Right this way sir"

They followed her down a long hall until directed into another room to wait in.

"The doctor will be with you shortly" she said then gave Jimin an embarrassed look and left. Jimin winked and turned to his friend to make sure he got on the bed and then flopped down into a chair.

"Great more fucking waiting" He sighed

"It won't take as long I promise" Namjoon nonchalantly responded

"Hey hyung...while we're waiting why don't you tell me what got you so beat up? Do I have to murder someone?"

"You won't believe me"

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