chapter six.

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 Namjoon was frozen

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Namjoon was frozen. Jin still laid unconscious on his bed, and the only thing confirming he was still alive was the slow and shallow movements of his chest. Namjoon couldn't help but to stare dumbfounded at the sprawled out body on his bed. He noticed a red stain blooming on his blankets, for Jin's wound was actually still fresh. Sucking in a breath, Namjoon skittered off in a rush to stop the bleeding. The sun had almost set which bathed his house in a dull orangey color. However, it wasn't bright enough to see anything, so he ran through his home flicking on every light switch he could reach. Namjoon stumbled into the kitchen and looked at the table. When he had come in earlier, all the bandages generously given by the doctors were placed on it. He almost fell over the chairs as he snatched a handful of them. Namjoon jogged back towards is room but not before diving into the
bathroom and dampening a towel. He returned to the passed out man on his bed. Jin's torso moved with delicate breaths.

Namjoon eased down on next him with the towel in hand. Meticulously, he soaked up and whipped the drying blood. Some of the blood was still seeping out of the cut, and he really needed to clean it. Namjoon stood up and brought back some disinfectant. Pouring it on a cotton ball, he hesitated putting it on the skin. This stuff stings for a minute once it comes in contact with broken skin, and it could very likely wake him  up. Slowly, he touched the red gash. To his relief, Jin still remained dead to the world.

After disinfecting it, he picked up a roll of bandages. Namjoon raised his leg to get the wrap under, but when he did, the blanket moved. Jin was exposed momentarily, and he whipped is red face around to avoid seeing his privates. However, Namjoon knew he had to finish bandaging the injury. He turned back around and focused on the cover folded back on Jin's waist. Reaching out, the blanket was the flick back over his body. Namjoon sighed and started to twirl the cloth around his leg. 

Pain shot through his body when he leaned forward, and he winced. He stopped to adjust so that his bruised body wasn't at risk at getting hurt anymore than it already was. Namjoon finished with the bandages, cautious on the way be bent himself. Jin's leg was tightly wrapped but not enough to cut his circulation off. The flow of blood had ceased which was a major relief to Namjoon. He sat back with a groan and looked at his face. It might just be because he was tired, but Jin's face seemed more at ease. When he first brought him in, Namjoon's heart ached as pain and uncomfort was etched into his sleeping features. Now, Jin slept in a seemingly peaceful state.

"ugghH, I swear this kind of shit only happens to me" he mumbled

The house was bathed in near darkness from the room lights he didn't turn on, making Namjoon squint as he made his way towards the bathroom He picked up a discarded bandage roll with intentions of treating himself. Due to Jin, it completely slipped his mind that he had wounds of his own to attend to. His hand skimmed the wall before his fingers flipped on the switch that he really didn't recall turning off. Must've been habit. The bathroom's light was blinding considering that he'd spent that last hour in his lamp's lighting. Namjoon didn't close the door, leaving it cracked slightly. Actually, he never closes the bathroom door considering he lived alone.

... But right now he had "company"

Just as he thought of him, Namjoon peaked through the opening for a glance. The moon was now shining and illuminating his room in a soft lighting. It was just enough to see Jin's chest rising and falling. Also, it was enough to reassure Joon that he was still asleep. He pulled his head back and turned to start a shower. It was his second one today, but he opted to take them at night. The reason he took one this morning was because of his situation. Peeling his shirt off, the man swore as blood was all over it.

"Another article of bloodied clothing to the trash" he sighed

Once he was in nothing but his briefs, he out took the scissors he found in his medicine cabinet (that he had no idea how they got there). Namjoon snipped the medicine tape holding the cotton on his head. After it was removed, he examined it. A small smile tugged itself across his face as the cut looked so much better than it did when he first woke this morning. The doctor said that if it was any bigger then stitches would've been mandatory. Namjoon shuttered at the thought as he stepped out of the rest of his clothing.

Again, the water's dance on his skin was almost euphoric. He lathered his hair carefully, mindful of the injury.

The injury Jin inflicted upon him.

Namjoon let us arms fall to his sides as began to think. He  brought a threat into his home. After he replayed his memories in the back of his mind, vivid as a projector, it seemed he actually brought death into his home.

And it was asleep in his bed.

Speaking of sleep, Namjoon grew tense as he asked himself a question he had yet to. What's going to happen when he wakes up? Should he lay him back out on the beach? Leaving him defenseless? No, that was against his morals and his heart was too soft.

"What am I supposed to do" he whispered to himself

Pondering for a moment, he came up with a ridiculous but seemingly effective plan. He began talking it out to himself as the water gently massaged his back.

"okay okay..I can wait until he wakes up, and as soon as I know he is, I'll bolt out the door. Yeah yeah, and then he'll just wonder out himself or something"

Smiling in triumph at his idea, Namjoon resumes washing. He finished and stepped out while wrapping a towel around his naked hips. His feet hit the cool tiles as he made his way to the mirror above the sink, and realized he left the peroxide in his bedroom. He took once last glance down his bruised up abdomen, unaware of the slowly opening door behind him. The once purple and blackish spots looked less intimidating as they did before he told himself. However, is the gears in his head halted as Namjoon felt a cool hand press against his back. He knew who it was, yet he still let his eyes creep up to the mirror. There behind him, stood Jin's bare body with is eyes casted down to where his hand was. Poking at a bruise on his lower back caused by him. It wasn't until Jin flicked his eyes up to meet his through the reflection that he was ready to convulse into a screaming ball on the ground.

Namjoon sucked in a breath...

And fainted



Howdy, it's been a while but it's back!

But sorry plz don blame me...blame school

Anyways, happy Namjoon day! Go show that amazing man some love yo💕💕💕

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