chapter eight.

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Jin's eyes continued to cast an intimidating glare that left Namjoon stuttering over his words

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Jin's eyes continued to cast an intimidating glare that left Namjoon stuttering over his words.

"Where am I?" He grounded out once more

Namjoon sucked in a breath and regained his focus in a determined manor.

"You're in my home"


"I found you on the beach, I thought you were dying or dead, and I took you here to try and help, do you need any of that simplified?" Joon said, proud of his surge of boldness.

The merman's face changed from that of scowl to almost a dumbfounded one. His dominating persona seemed to have vanished into thin air, suddenly leaving him lack of confidence from the harsh change of tone. Namjoon tensed again as Jin decided to move around,seemingly shifting his focus and becoming speechless of his surroundings. He continued to stay frozen as the stranger stood up from the bed and walked around. It just so happened to click that they were both still bare. Namjoon looked down at the towel looped loosely around his waist and commanded himself to do something. Jin had picked up a small glass figure of a cat to examine it, and Joon cleared his throat which and almost caused him to drop the human's possession. He looked over to his....captor?....savior? who was fidgeting a bit nervously.

"You need to put clothes on." he mumbled almost inaudibly

"....what exactly are those?..." Jin said while setting the kitty down


With his stare still in place, Jin nodded slowly. Namjoon intertwined his fingers and sighed. Of course he didn't know what they were, he's a freaking

"If I put some on, it'll be easier to show you"

Namjoon began making his way to the dresser that just so happened to near where Jin was standing, and as soon as he took a step towards the piece of furniture, the creature emitted a low growl. His eyes widen when he met the hostility bleeding into merman's eyes which was the exact same look he had the other night. Frozen in place, Namjoon's mouth ran dry and ,for a moment, he felt trapped. With an unsteady inhale, Namjoon slowly straightened, eyes never leaving his possible enemy's burning ones. He wanted to drop this situation and just let Jin wonder around and maybe even out of his house but having a naked man walking around sat uneasily with him. So many horrible instances could occur if he let him be, which forced him to do what he was trying before.

"listen, you need to move so I can get what I need as well as what you need" Namjoon stated pulling on a mask of braveness.

Jin , once again taken off-guard at this man's sprout of boldness, hesitantly and slowly stepped aside to let Namjoon do whatever it was he needed to do. His eyes followed the human making his way to where he was previously standing seconds ago. Secretly, Jin studied the his physique almost in an , the merman would never admit it aloud, admiring way. He seemed fit....tall with very long legs....Jin tilted his head once he looked at the fuzzy material around his waist. Meticulously, he moved behind the crouched male ,and it seemed as if he didn't notice. Jin was enchanted by curiosity and he absentmindedly reached out to tug at the alien material. Namjoon became paralyzed from digging in the drawers for clothes when he felt cold finders wrap around the top of his towel. He cut his vision sharply and turned his head slightly and was met with a dangerously close Jin at his back. Namjoon realized that he was close enough to feel the body heat falling from the merman. Jin felt him suddenly tense and retreated back hesitantly. The human remained in a pause, but he slowly turned around and continued to scavenge clothes to for the both of them. After a minute of digging, he pulled outfits for the both of them. Namjoon turned and sat one the bed for his 'friend' and kept the other for him.

"I'm going back into the bathroom to put these on" He gestured awkwardly to the clothes. "Try and figure out what to do until I get done."

Before Jin could get a word out, the human had shut the door on him. He simply looked at the lump of alien material on the bed and sighed.

Namjoon, of course, was almost done with getting himself dressed. He was actually very concerned on how Jin was doing with the clothes, however upon opening the, he had to stifle a laugh at the sight he was greeted with. Jin had miraculously defied logic and had gotten the shirt on. Sure, it was inside out but how was Namjoon to judge when the creature wasn't even aware of the term 'shirt' five minutes ago. On the contrary though, he was beginning to put the underwear on his arms like some type of sleeve, and so the human had to intervene.

"hey hey hey!, that's not where those go." Jin gave him a frustrated look.

"hey hey hey " He mocked. " I have no idea what to do with these nor those", he pointed to the pants. "You know I've never had to bother with these weird items, I live in the sea ,stupid, the only way I got the shirt on was because you were wearing one that night." he snapped curtly.

Namjoon cracked a dimpled smile at the smart-ass tone. Jin's small scowl faltered when he saw his lips pull upwards. What was so funny? He was about to ask, but then the human started talking.

"You step into them... you know...with your legs, not with ya arms" he said while slightly tugging down his sweatpants to show the hem of them. 'ooohhhh' Jin's mind hummed but he wasn't about to show his admiration, no, too much pride for that.

The merman took the boxers off his arms, and dropped them to the floor while mumbling something along the lines of "how was I supposed to know stupid". With a wince due to his leg, bent down and stepped into them very ungracefully, almost falling forward twice, but eventually he got them up to his waist. Backwards. Namjoon could only imagine how uncomfortable it was,but he wasn't going to struggle with him anymore over it.

"What about pan-"

"Hell no. Your're not getting me in those. I did you the favor by putting this on, but I'm not going to be commanded by you"

Namjoon once again had to hold back a giggle when Jin began to walk away with a small waddle, yet sympathy washed over him when he noticed the faint limp and pained expression he was trying to suppress.

This is going to be a long recovery.


Well I guess I'm not dead :D

But fr though, I'm sorry that I haven't updated, school has d r a i n e d me but thanks for patience 💕

Sorry for any mistakes and I hope you have enjoyed ✌️

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