chapter two.

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The creature looked at the human. Wide eyes stared back and were threatening to spill tears.

Humans are easy to scare....well at least this one is.

Muffled sobs came from the man, but the merman refused to move his hand. He didn't need this obnoxious human screaming and drawing attention. It was until the guy, despite being injured, began thrashing around desperate to get free which annoyed him. However, the struggling stopped once it's tail coiled itself around the human. A warning hiss was given to shut the man up and was successful. Now, no sound came from him and only salty tears streamed from his eyes.

I can smell his fear.

The creature smirked in delight at his catch. He'd seen this man countless times since he'd arrived at this shoreline. For him,it was endearing to watch the grown male become excited over seashells littered across the beach. It reminded the merman of the many children he's seen on the beaches he'd observed before. Sometimes the strange man would look at the skies for a very long time with a careful expression. It made the creature wonder what he was thinking, but now he can easily tell what's running through his mind. By his watered eyes and the shaking of his body, it's certain that this man thinks he's about to die.

Then the creature did something unexpected.

He leaned really close to the human's face which caused him to let out a whine of panic.

"I'm not going to hurt you yet."

The man stopped shaking and his eyes got even wider.

"Youf cm took! Youfl ca tulk!" The man recited over and over again.

Small muffled chants soon became loud sobs which caused the merman to resort into hissing again and tightening his grip with his tail.

"Listen, if I remove my hand, you will not scream okay. If you do, i won't hesitate to split you open like fishermen do to my family." The creature spat.

He felt the man release a breath of relief. His eyes met his watered ones and watched as the human shook his head in understanding. Reluctantly he moved his hand but his tail didn't budge. The creature got to take in his whole face up close and decided he was quite attractive for a human. Sharp eyes darting back and forth, dimpled cheeks, and lips almost as full as his own.

"Please let me go." The man begged

"Tell me your name." The creature said, ignoring the beg.

"Namjoon" he whispered out of fear

Hmm Namjoon. He liked that name. A nice name for a nice looking prey. Well possible prey that is. Namjoon looked too pretty to be killed and eaten. That was his original intentions anyways when he pulled him down off the rocks. Accidentally, he mistook him for some drunk sailor looking to start trouble. When he looked at who he caught, he swore at first. He honestly didn't mean to hurt him. But the blood coming from Namjoon's head wound began sparking up his hunger. He'll have to let him go soon if he was going to keep his promise on not hurting him.

"Do you have a name?" Namjoon whispered.

It brought the creature out of its thoughts. Did he have a name? He started into the human's less watered eyes. His tail slapped the water with annoyance for not coming up with anything.

He then remembered something.

• f l a s h b a c k •

The merman was sprawled out on a rock. Sunshine bore down on the beach not too harshly but enough to warm the grounds. He was relaxed. His tail was lapped by small waves ever so gently and wind caressed his body. Keeping him cool. Unfortunately, his small period of comfortableness was interrupted by a giggle. Startled, he fell off the boulder with a yelp and landed ungracefully in the water. He resurfaced to scope out the source of the sound. After observing his surroundings, he found it. Only a few yards away was a little girl skipping along the beach. She had a soft smile and laughed when a seagull would follow her around.

Weird thing probably looking for food. He thought

The child looked over and the creature tensed as they made eye contact. He hid his tail and arms as they had fins. She was running over to him, smiling sweetly.

"Jin?...Jin!" The girl squealed excitingly.

However, her face fell once she was only a couple of feet away from him. She sat down on the rock she had climbed on and sighed.

"Sorry you're not Jin...." she said softly.

The creature tilted his head out of curiosity. Who's Jin?

"Who's Jin child? Where are your parents?" The creature asked in the softest voice he could muster.

The girls eyes brightened back up which came with a small smile.

"Mommy and Daddy were being too slow so I went ahead. They're not far behind me."

He couldn't help but panic at that. Mommy and Daddy must be how the human referred to her guardians. He got prepared to flee, but the girl continued talking.

"Jin is my brother" she enthused "You really looked like him from a distance so again I'm was silly of me anyways to think you were him"

"Silly?" The creature repeated the unfamiliar term.

"Haha yea..."

He watched the girls face sadden once more.

"Mommy said that Jin went to heaven after fighting in some war" she said as she fiddled with her dress.

The creature had no idea what that meant but judging by her face something devastating must've happened to this Jin.

"You really do look like him, even up close sorta"

He was about to respond when another voice called out. No! The parents. Without fathoming he turned and dived. However, he heard a gasp from the girl.

She must've saw the tail He thought.

He didn't know how far he'd swam before stopping and reciting what the girl had said to him.

You looked like my brother, Jin

Jin...he thought....He liked that name.

p r e s e n t •

Namjoon continued to shift under his grip, sobbing when he failed to free himself. The creature spoke up. Namjoon froze.

"Jin" He said. "My name is Jin".

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