chapter three.

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Namjoon swore his heart was about to explode. He could barely get a breath in as the tail was wrapped so tight. However, this Jin didn't seem like he was going to let up anytime soon. He felt the inhuman eyes on him. Observing him. Why does a creature like this even have such a beautiful name? Why did it have such a beautiful face?

"Please" he whimpered once more

To his shock, he felt Jin's tail ease around him. The creature back away from his face and groaned. It bent over clutching it's abdomen with its head hovering over Namjoon's chest.

"Are you okay?" He asked momentarily forgetting this thing tried to kill him.

"Listen. You need to run away and go home."  Jin said softly.

Namjoon was baffled at its tone. How it went from a hissing and demanding tone to something like a plea. Without thinking, he got his arm free and placed his hand on the cold shoulder. Jin's eyes shot up filled with something that resembled fear and retreated away from Namjoon. He now sat a couple of feet away in the water with his tail bundled around him. Why did he suddenly seem afraid?  Namjoon, now free, stared dumbfounded at the creature. It wasn't until Jin growled that he got the urge to run.

"I said go! I haven't eaten in a good while, and the blood dripping from your head will easily destroy my promise of not hurting you. Go. Now."

And with that, Namjoon's adrenaline kicked in. The pain was numbing, but he had to flee. He turned and ran in the direction of the city's lights. A splash from behind him indicated that Jin had swam away, but that didn't stop his feet. He made it all the way back to the docks before stopping and vomiting. Leaning against a light pole, he wiped his mouth and focused on catching his breath. How far did that guy drag him? He needs his uncle. However, to Namjoon's dismay, he retrieved his phone shattered and completely soaked.

"Dammit that's just fantastic" he spat.

Namjoon pondered for a moment before finally accepting he'll just have to drag himself home. With a deep breath, he stood away from the pole. The walk to his house had never taken so long. By the time he reached his door, he was panting and about to drop there on his porch. He made it inside, but not to his bed. Fatigued, he shuffled to his couch and flopped down. Namjoon didn't fight the darkness overtaking his vision and soon everything went black.

• t i m e s k i p •

The bright sunlight coming through the window struck Namjoon right in the face. Hesitantly, he opened his and allowed them to adjust to the sudden brightness. He didn't want to get up for he was the sorest he's ever been. Then the smell hit him.

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