chapter seven.

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    Jin still had his hand in place after Namjoon's body hit the floor

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Jin still had his hand in place after Namjoon's body hit the floor. It was just suspended in the air for the longest until he lowered it. Mouth agape, he started at the body on the ground. So unbelievably overwhelmed. It happened again.

The stunned man backed out of the room and returned to the thing he woke up on. Well, he stumbled a lot considering he has only used his legs twice. Steadying himself against the wall, he made it back to the plush bed. His body sunk into the furniture  which is definitely one of the softest things he has ever come in contact with. It was so warm.

It's like he was treading on the dark side of dreaming. Not a nightmare, but not a pleasing dream either. He would've believed he was in one if it wasn't for the throbbing pain sending an electrifying  sensation through his leg. Speaking of the injury,he can't see it due to the foreign material around his leg nor can he recall how he obtained it. Jin didn't even know how he got this place.

Was it a cave or something?

Sniffing the air tentatively, his eyes widened at his alien surroundings. He picked up on a familiar scent and his gaze traveled back to the room he just left.


The merman miraculously remembered the name of the person he tried to kill literally a night ago. However, despite those memories being so clear, how he got into this man's assumed home was a mystery to him.

Through the cracked door, he could still see the human's body present on the floor. Jin began to feel bad for him, and he honestly didn't mean to give him such a scare. It also dawned on him that he should've predicted the fall considering the sudden and sharp sour smell of fear. He began contemplating whether should go back to him. From his bare feet, he knows how cold the ground in that room is cold.


Cold just like the hand that wrapped his tail

Jin blinked out of the small flashback and tilted his head. Is that how he got here?

"I don't know how a hand correlates with me ending up here" he mumbled to himself

Taking another look towards the room where is captor lay, he decided to go make sure he was still alive. Once again, Jin put his weight on his arms and lifted himself to his feet. The pain snaked up and down his leg, almost causing them to give out beneath him. He choked back a whimper as it seemed putting any amount of pressure on that one leg would cause it to hurt. It left him awkwardly wobbling on one foot which was a challenge because of his inexperience with human legs. Somehow, he manged to make the wall and brace himself against it.

The bright lights of the bathroom made him squint so he stumbled in blindly. It wasn't until his ankle brushed next to warm skin did he look down. Namjoon, still unconscious, laid at his feet on his back. His long legs were bent in strange ways and one arm rested on his chest while the other was splayed out from him. Jin crouched down and sat as his eyes remained glued to the sleeping mans face. However, they slowly to moved to watch his breathing. It was a relief to see his abdomen rise and fall steadily, yet there was something else he had to check. Boldly, he dipped his head down to hear a heartbeat. A twinge of panic shot through him, for he's never heard such a beat that slow. The beat of his kind was faster, so he put a hand to his own chest.


With his ear still pressed to Namjoon, his mouth fell agape. Jin's own heart matched the one he was hearing. Namjoon's was a few beats slower but that didn't dim Jin's shock. Was this a human thing? Must be.

Jin hummed as he continued to listen to the beat. Another thing he was stunned by was the warmth a human body emitted.(Which is why he hasn't lifted his head) Namjoon the night of the attack had been much colder since he was sitting soaked in water. Not to mention, the fear had chilled his blood, so the warmth was probably a regular thing for humans.

The fear caused by me Jin thought

However, Jin noticed that the heat was fading and soon realized it was probably from him being on the cold tiles.

"You need to be warm" he mumbled.

He could've done something rational like stand back up and fetch a blanket, but no. Without thinking, he kept is head on Namjoon's chest and pressed his side against his body. So, there they were, basically complete strangers cuddled up naked on the bathroom floor. Of course, Jin didn't fathom that as a bad thing and genuinely thought he was helping. It was the least thing he could do to make up for nearly killing him. His heart swelled a bit when the warmth began to return. It was almost making him...sleepy.

Had he not slept in a while? Come to think of it, Jin seriously can't remember that the last time he rested, well other than being knocked out cold. He didn't know how long he was out, but it didn't feel like it was long. Also, there was this mysterious sadness continuously washing over him like the waves of the ocean.

What happened before he woke up?

Slowly, Jin felt his thoughts dissolve into nothing and his eyelids began falling like a curtain. Snuggled up to Namjoon's body, Jin accidentally let himself drift to sleep...

• t i m e s k i p •

With the feeling of his dream fading, Namjoon knew he was close to opening his eyes. He really didn't want to since he could feel the cold air around his body, yet there was another feeling that was urging him to wake up. There was a pressure...On his side. Hesitantly, he cracked open his eyes and boy what a sight he saw. Jin was tucked close to him with his face squished against his chest. Namjoon would've thought it to be cute if it wasn't for him being completely bare and only a towel covering his own nudity. (Also almost being killed by him)

"Wow" was all Joon could say about the situation.

He needed to get him off of his body now. Namjoon tightened the towel around his waist and stumbled up, careful not to rouse the sleeping creature next to him.

"Okay, Is this what you call 'mixed signals'...because last time I checked you were about to gouge my throat out" he whispered to the sleeping boy.

For the second time that day, Namjoon bent down and picked Jin off the ground. As he was walking, he didn't notice the creature beginning to shift in his hold. The poor man had only just placed him down on the bed when Jin's eyes flew open. Namjoon gasped and fumbled back a few feet as Jin slowly sat up. Both stared wide-eyed at each other until the former merman began to scowl.

"Where am I?" he stated harshly.

Namjoon was taken off guard by the sudden change of demeanor  from someone who was literally curled up to him moments ago. They continued to maintain eye contact, and Jin's stare was growing colder by the second. Joon felt his mouth drying, for he knew he needed to explain or he could become the monster was the night before, and cause a bloodbath.

He gulped.




*eyebrow wiggle* theres probably a lot of mistakes

Idk i can't write but i hope you enjoyed!

also ty for 100 reads i know it isn't much to most but it is to me UwU

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