Chapter 1

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Here is the first chapter I promised. I hope you will enjoy it... 😊


"UGH... NO IT IS MONDAY PLEASE SOMEONE KILL ME..." I screamed a little too dramatic when I realize that the unholy sound which was trying to make my head explode was my alarm.

I pick up my pillow and throw it across my room towards my alarm

Why is that cursed device across my room you ask.

Now that is because my dad thinks it is a human and funny thing to do to put my alarm as far away from me as possible so i ACTUALLY have to wake up to turn it off.

Yes people my dad is crazy enough to sneak in my room in the middle of the night to move my alarm.


After sitting in my bed for 10 minutes wondering why I am wasting my time when I should be turning of my alarm... I finally turn off my alarm.

Finally, silence.

I take my phone to look at the time 5:15 a.m

Ow Wow It just took me 15 minutes to actually wake up.

I make my bed, change in a yoga pants with a loose shirt put my hair in a bun before going downstairs. I pick up a water bottle, put on some running shoes and walk out.

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If you are wondering NO I am not going to school at 5 a.m. in the morning.

I go running every morning it is a habit from when I still did kick-box. I put in my headphones and listen to some podcast and Ted-talks.

Because I just moved here I had no idea where to go so I just randomly jogged a street in and started thinking about everything that happened the last few days.

Me, my dad and my brother just moved here because my dad thought it would be good to start over again in a new place with new people and no bad memories

Me and my brother didn't complain I mean I liked my old home because I had some amazing friends but I think my dads happiness is more important and I don't want to see him unhappy and it isn't like I lost my old friends we still communicate trough some amazing invention called the internet.

I still talk a lot to my best friend Zack. We face time all the time.

I don't really mind moving though. When I was little I moved a lot because my mother couldn't stay in the same place for too long. She will get bored and go crazy because she wants to move.

Today is my first day in a new school and I don't really feel like going because ...
I don't really have a reason I just want to lay in bed all day

After I jogged 45 minutes I stopped and realized I had no flubbed idea where I was.

So I did the only think I could do...

I randomly sit on the ground and started to play a game on my phone while singing The lazy song from Bruno mars

When the song ended I started to get bored and kept looking at my phone not knowing what to do now

until a idea popped into my head

" OMG I HAVE A PHONE" I screamed at no one in particular and I started dialing my brother for help.

After ringing for what felt like an hour but where in reality 2 minutes he FINALLY picked up.

"Alex is that you ? " He said in a sleepy voice

"no" I answered with a straight face

"Where are you ?"

" Yeah... if I knew that I wouldn't have called would I?"

I could feel him rolling his eyes at me "So why are you calling?"

" I need you to come and find me" I pouted.

" Okay so WHERE do I need to come find you ?"

I started to get really irritated at this ...



"I DON'T KNOW !" I screamed in the phone showing irritation in my voice

" THEN DECRIBE THE PLACE! WHAT DO YOU SEE AROUND YOU?" he screamed back just as irritated



Of course...

I looked around and I saw some trees."Ben I see some trees" I said feeling proud of myself.
After that he was quiet for a long time.

"Right...          Trees...          Of course I know where you are right now, wait right there I will come and get you " He said and stopped the call.

After that I waited for a long time

He never came...


SO hello you random honored strangers. First I want to thank you for reading the first chapter of my book. I hope you enjoyed it. Right now it is still pretty boring but do not worry it will become A LOT more interesting.
Tell me what you think about it in the comment section so I now IF you enjoyed it (or not)



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In the next chapter you will meet some other character and see more of the Ben and Alex duo...

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