Author's Notes

330 9 133

Hi !

Don't be disappointed the first chapter will be released soon...

I have something to say about the story I will be publishing.

The story will be out of Alex's (The main characters) point of view. As a reader you will know what is happening but also how Alex thinks about all the weird thing that are happening.

You will know that people are talking to each other when you see "..." otherwise it is just Alex thinking about stuff...

I guess everything is really obvious if you start reading the story but I just wanted to mention it.

I really hope you will enjoy it and it will make you smile.

In the first chapter you will get to know Alex and you will shortly meet Benjamin and Thomas (the father).

I am really excited to finally release this chapter and share it with you guys 😊

Anyway I will get back to editing the chapter and release it as soon as possible.

In the meantime




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