Chapter 4

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While wandering around the school for what felt like hours I finally found my classroom.

I didn't really know if I should go in because the class just had 10 minutes left but I thought that the shy nerd skipping class on her first day would attract attention.

So I decided to just go in and explain every thing so people wouldn't misunderstand.

I knocked and walked in.

The teacher turned towards me and said "Ow so you must be Alexandra right?? Nice to meet you. "

I nodded and while looking at the ground I whispered
" I am sorry I am late. I couldn't find the classroom."

She gave me a kind smile and nodded " No problem would you like to introduce yourself to the class?"

My head shot up

Like hell I would introduce myself who I am is none of their business

So I look at her with pleading watery eyes with a face that said 'NO please don't'

She gave me a understanding nod and said "if you want you can sit down somewhere. "

Then she raised her voice to address the class and said "okay everyone this is Alexandra please be nice to her"

I flinched when she raised her voice acting like I was really scared of her raising her voice. She gave me an apologizing smile.

While I FINALLY might I add looked up I saw a lot of people smirking at me with an mocking faces.

I mentally started cursing about how evil student could be toward weak-looking people. I mean they should take a example off me! I don't discriminate in mocking or bulling because I as a high-quality person belief that everyone has something worth insulting or looking down on! 

I  walked to the back of the room and sat in a free seat next to the window. 

I like sitting in the back because I always feel the need to observe people so I can choose my victims and know how to handle so I can make my school time as entertaining as possible.

I know I am weird. So what ?

Even in other schools I rarely made friends but I know who to keep an eye on so I don't get bored. (laughs evily)

While I sat down I saw that the teacher first looked shocked then she started frowning while looked at the ground at last she looked up with a glance at me and continued the lesson.

Hmmm interesting I knew something is up I didn't think she saw trough my act so fast so it was something with this place.

Maybe because I am a nerd and am supposed to sit at the front or something?

No that is ridiculous.

Or I replaced a student who always sits here but died recently ...

While I was observing everyone habits and behavior and thinking of possibilities of why I shouldn't sit here the door burst open and a dahm hot guy came in.

Okay people can we al just take a moment to applause his parents.

He had really had an badboy/jock aura around him. While taking a closer look I felt like I saw him before "Adam you are late " The teacher said.

"Ow no are you serious I thought I was on time" he said sarcastic.

 At that moment I noticed that he was the guy who Ben pissed of. The one that was holding the bimbos hand. Hmmmm interesting...

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