Nightmare // Peter Parker

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Peter hummed softly as he flopped onto the couch tiredly and looked down at you, spread out on a mattress on Peter's living room floor.

Michelle and Ned had taken over his own room, so the two of you had conquered the living room.

"Petey! Petey!" you yelped, giggling as you rolled over and dropped your head on the pillow.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" Peter repeated with a small snort of amusement, and looked at the time. 12:00 a.m. If Aunt May had been awake right now, she would've scolded them.

"I'm going to shut the lights out now. Good night, (Y/N)." Peter said a couple minutes later, watching you scroll through your Instagram.

"Night, Parker." you hummed in response, glancing up momentarily to meet Peter's gaze.

Both of you held your looks for a minute, and you felt his eyes scan your face, taking in your features.

Peter had always found you physically attractive, and very beautiful. 

His face turned red as he was gawking at you, and blushing, the young teen turned away, you doing the same.

"Sorry. Good night, (Y/N)." he apologized, not meeting your curious eyes as he shut off the light.

With no reply, your body flopped tiredly against the mattress. Peter waited until your breathing went into a deep, but light feathery pattern, before drifting off into a light slumber as well.


No air surrounded your weightless body, and darkness enveloped you. The ground was hard and you landed with a large thud, fire burning around you. There was the obvious metallic taste of blood in your mouth, and your body ached as you pulled yourself up. Suddenly, vines wrapped themselves around your ankles, and started dragging you away. "No! No!" you screamed repeatedly, but it wouldn't stop. You were gone.

You woke up with a shrill scream, sweating and shivering hard. Looking around for the vines, ready for them to grab you. 

But they didn't. 

Instead, you felt some warm, strong arms wrap around you. "(Y/N)? Are you okay?"

Peter's voice broke through the tensity, and you whimpered in response, leaning back into his embrace.

Peter waited patiently until you had recovered enough to talk. "Y-yes, n-no. I d-don't know." you stammered, burying your head in your hands.

Your friend was silent for a minute or two, before saying something softly in a concerned tone. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"T-There was vines and t-they took me away. I-I think I died and-" you broke off into a sob, wetting his shirt.

Peter took a minute to respond, and when he did, your heart lifted.

"(Y/N). I'll always be there to protect you. Nothing will ever take you away, I promise." he said confidently, and his voice soothed you enough to release yourself from him and settle back down on the mattress.

"Thank you, Peter. That means a lot.." you hesitated before continuing. "Can you stay with me? I just feel uncomfortable alone even though I know you're right next to me-"

Peter broke you off by shushing you softly and nodding, his movements illuminated by the moon.

"Of course." and with that, he lay down next to you, and nervously curled an arm around your waist.

Your dreams were peaceful that night, Peter's promise ringing in your mind.


The next morning...

Ned opened the door of Peter's room quietly, entering the living area and freezing as he spotted you two fast asleep against each other on the living room floor.

"Holy shi...."

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