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T'is a short story so time skip ayyy

Two weeks.

Two weeks where Namjoon hasn't been little.

Two weeks where Namjoon and Jin has last made any communication.

Two weeks since Jin called Namjoon 'baby boy'.


"Namjoon ah?" Jin knocked the door softly, hoping for an answer.

When he didn't get an answer, he turned the knob, surprised that it wasn't locked.

"Namjoon?" Jin called out, poking his head inside the room.

And that's where Jin saw him.

Back against the corner, knees pulled towards his chest with his arms holding them close tightly and his head between his legs.

Jin's heart broke. He hated seeing Namjoon like this. He hated the fact that he doesn't know why he's like this.

"Joon" Jin shuffled towards the crouching male.

"Joon" Jin patted his head.

"Baby" Jin kissed the boy's temple.

As the pet name came out his mouth, Jin could feel his lover shiver just slightly.

"Baby boy, what's wrong?"

Namjoon let out a small whimper.

"Wanna tell Daddy what's wrong?"

Oh, has Jin missed this.

Caring for Namjoon, loving him, protecting him, keeping him happy and safe. And also referring himself as Daddy because it reminds both who's in charge. It makes Jin feel happy and needed if Namjoon depends on him. Makes Jin feel more dominant and reminds him that Namjoon is just a vulnerable baby boy.

"Dada..." Namjoon whimpered out when he lifted his head up.

Jin felt like crying because Namjoon had bags under his eyes, tear stained cheeks and blood shot red eyes.

Namjoon made grabby hands towards Jin, to which Jin happily obliged into carrying him.

Namjoon has lost weight. Too much, to be exact. Jin was so gonna let him eat all the chicken nuggets and crackers and let him drink all the milk in the fridge later.

Namjoon hugged his daddy tightly, legs locking his waist, chanting "dada" into his ear with his eyes closed, small streak of tears falling.

"Joonie missed dada" Namjoon whispered quietly into Jin's ear.

"Dada missed you too, little prince" Jin said while bouncing Namjoon a little.

Told yall i suck at angst

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