Chapter 2

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   Eva's Pov
"Eva wake up,you have school"

I heard mum yell from downstairs.
  Shit,school..i totally forgot.
I hurriedly took a shower and searched for what to wear,i decided to put more effort since its the first day of senior year,but the rest days...not really
    I settled for an red long sleeved off shoulder top and black skinny jeans,i ran a brush through my hair before putting it into a messy pony tail..i could care less for make up so i left my face bare.
   I quickly put on my black wedged ankle boots,before grabbing my black Nike bag and my phone and heading downstairs..
    "Good morning mum,"i greeted,giving her a kiss on the cheek.
    "Morning, hurry up,you are gonna be late", she said as i grabbed a piece of toast and a bunch of grape fruits.
   "Ok, bye mum", I said walking out the door,letting the warm morning sun rest on my face, i heard a car horn,i turned to see Shirley waving at me from inside her car to get in,as soon as i got in,she pulled out,not even allowing me to put on my seatbelt properly..
   "We're so gonna be late", she said driving faster.
   "Hey to you too",i said rolling my eyes at her,she just muttered a hey back as she was concentrating on not killing us. I took that opportunity to study her dressing, she was clad in a blue jumpsuit with white pumps,her hair pulled off her face by a lot of bobby pins,she looked awesome..
   "Nice outfit",i said grinning at her,while she just rolled her eyes muttering a thank you and you too under her breath.
   We pulled up at the school's parking lot,i got down waiting for Shirley to lock the car so we could walk to class together.
   We walked side by side,avoiding the jocks and football players tossing a ball around,we finally got to our lockers in one piece even though we had to double check.
  Our lockers were coincidentally placed side by side, mine was number 49 while her's was 51..
  "Come on,we need to get our schedule", Shirley said dragging me to the Administration office before i could tell her i already got mine,technically my mum got it,but what's the difference,deciding to tell her when we get there,i tried to keep up with her.

    We arrived at the office,i let Shirley go in alone while i just sat at the reception playing 'Episode' on my phone, totally ignoring the people around me,like i usually do in school..
    I was just sharing a kiss with prince lucca (in the game),when i heard the laughter,i looked up to see 4 boys casually strolling in and laughing at each other... Ugh boys😒..
     I rolled my eyes and looked back down at my phone,just then Shirley came out,as i got up to leave my eyes caught one of the boys that walked in, as if sensing me looking at him,he looked up and winked at me,i quickly lowered gaze and speed walked out of there...
     I'm a socially awkward person,i don't get along well with people,i just hate people except my mum and Shirley...I get irritated easily,so to avoid that i don't talk to other people in school except Shirley.

   We arrive at our first class which is Science,Mr Dempsey the teacher was just calling the attendabce when we walked in,he shot us a smile and motioned for us to take a sit..
  That's one of the few reasons why i like school, cause the teachers are awesome and really good especially our Science teacher..
   We sat down at the middle where the normals usually Sit..let me explain; the front seats are for the nerds,the middle are for those who are average, neither a nerd nor a pop; which are the popular kids. The back is for the popular kids. I and Shirley fall in the middle category, which i don't really mind.
   We don't do much through most of the classes,we just turn in our projects/assignments and the teacher gives is a run down on what we are gonna be learning..
  Right now,i'm sitted in TD class (Technical drawing) which is the only class i have without Shirley..
And it turns out there are only 3 girls in the class,the rest are boys....kill me😧
   The second girl looks nice and friendly,maybe we could be friends, the third girl looks like a real live walking plastic doll,she's wearing a really short red dress and her face is caked with make up,she has a scowl on her face,as if wishing she was not here...yh,totally not gonna get along with her..
   My analyzing is cut short as the door bursts open reavealing 2 boys from earlier, wearing matching smirks as they scan the class,they take a sit at the back,right behind me,ifnoring everyone's stares, making me shrink further into my sit feeling awkward again..
  I was the first to leave the class as soon as the bell went signalling its time for lunch, as i head to the cafeteria, i remember that i wanted to talk to the girl from class,but i'm too lazy to go back,and besides its lunch..

  I find Shirley standing at the lunch line,when she sees me i mouth to her to get me some fries and a can of pepsi,before waving and pointing at an empty table to which she nodded..
  I sat down, placing my bag beside me,i reached for my phone and continued playing 'Episode' as the whole cafeteria talked loudy...we get it people,you can talk,but keep it down....
    I look up to see Shirley holding two trays,i quickly grab mine muttering a thank you to her to which she just nods again..
    She begins to tell me about what happened in her class, after that,i tell her about how i'm the only girl in my TD class, she starts laughing,when she see's my face she stops,muttering a good luck to me..
    "Holy shit", Shirley exclaimed,i looked up from my grapes giving her a questioning glance, noticing the whole lunch room go quiet,i follow Shirley's gaze, and my eyes land on the boys from earlier..
    I took in their dressing,one was wearing a dark blue hoodie and black jeans, he had brown hair, which looked as if he had run his hand through it a lot of times.
   The second wore a blue and red flannel which he left unbuttoned,showing of the white V-neck he wore inside and black jeans just like the first,he had blonde hair..

   The third one,i think he's in my TD class,wore a black T-shirt that hugged his muscles and black trousers,he had platinum blonde hair,styled to perfection.
  The last one had a smirk on his face, which was really annoying, he wore a black v-neck and black trousers, with a leather blazer on it,he had the whole bad boy thing going on,his jet black hair was styled so that some pieces of it fell covering his eyes...
   I would admit, they are all hot and sexy...what i'm a teen girl....
   I watched as they took slow strides to a table at the middle of the room,smirking and winking at girls on the way,some girls looked like they were about to faint,some smiled back,gosh it was disgusting and now, i'm irritated.
   I turned back to Shirley who was still looking at them,i faked cough to get her attention.

  "Yh yh", she said shaking her head,deciding to tease her,i..
  "U've got a little drool over there",i said pointing at my bottom lip,i laughed as she slapped her hand over her mouth trying frantically to clean the drool..
  When she noticed i was joking,she glared at me,while i shrugged innocently..
  All of a sudden she began talking about those guys,saying things like:
"They are sooo hot"
  That's how the rest of the day went,everyone was talking about the quadruplets,that's what i call them.
   When i got home, my ears were already bleeding..

I went to bed early since i had no homework.

    At least tomorrow would be better...i thought as i drifted into sleep mode...

   Hey Guy's,hoped you enjoyed it,don't forget to vote and comment...

   Love y'all 💗😘

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